What's Next After BSG??

I’m really looking for likea space drama like BSG, Caprica may do I’ll have to see.
KINGS doesn’t look like so much action as drama.

One show that has made a comback this year is Supernatural on the CW.

I didn’t watch the new eps till recently but DAMN it’s good!

Funny! I think the same thing. Then I wonder what the hell he’s doing in that show. So I start yelling, “THIRTEEN!!! THIRTEEEEEENNNN!!!” at the top of my lungs till my mother-in-law, the fan of the show in our household, kicks me out of the room. :smiley:

(Yes, a Rome rewatch would be fun.)

Yeah, Ceasar’s 13th Legion sure knew how to kick some sorryBarb.

Well, since your not a Trek fan you probably don’t have this annoying habit that I have.
When I watch any show, every 5 minutes I blurt out something like
“Oh, that guy was on Star Trek: Next Gen”
or “That girl was an alien on Voyager”
or “That dude was a Ferengi on DS9” or
“That chick was an Andorian on Enterprise”.
" Oh, he was the Captain of the Firefly" (well that’s not Trek but…
I’m great fun to watch TV with.

My wife response is the usual: She girts her teeth, glares at me, and says
“I…Get …it…Everyone was on frakkin Star Trek!!”

I don’t really mind if "Talos gets boxed. But it does worry me a bit. If Chuck decides to box his whole model then I’m frakked, me being his indentical twin and all ya know.


That’s all I have to say about that.

If a picture is worth 1000 words, how much is a You Tube video worth?

I wish I could say Pushing Daisies was still on - but alas, just like everything Bryan Fuller has created it has been smacked about with a large trout and then canceled.

Seems like alot of great shows are going off the air soon or have already. not much really to look forward too. I know I’m still looking back on the past and watching great show that have started and stop already like B5, Firefly, DS9. I start season 5 of smallville, here at work. we get around my little handheld dvd player every night for 2 to 5 eps. depends on the work load for our night shift. SeaQuest was good, Stargate altantis is still doing ok, haven’t heard if it’s cancelled yet, Sanctuary is getting really good, Thank-you Sean for turning me on to that. Season 3 of heros killed me, and stop watching that. looks like a few good movies will be out this year. good luck on your search.

If you’re looking for something in a similar vein, albeit handled in a completely different way (action and pseudo-science over drama and “gritty realism”) the new Stargate franchise show, Universe, is supposed to debut next season. A military/science team is stranded on a “seed” ship, a ship designed to place stargates on planets, and they can’t get home. This one is supposed to focus more on space battles and how the core characters deal with their unintended exile.

While I’m a fan of the franchise, I must admit, I’m a bit leary of this one because the producers say they don’t want to have a set villain, I’m afraid it’ll be a “monster-of-the-week” sort of thing, not exactly what I call a good time.

Aside from that, I can vouch for “Burn Notice” as well, it’s a very fun show and the genre actors that pop up make it more fun. Another particular favorite show of mine from just recently was “The Riches” on FX. It was a fantastic concept and easily one of the most original shows on television in recent memory, and if viewership of the DVD’s picks up enough, the early cancellation could be resolved by a feature film.

EDIT: beach23bum Atlantis official cancellation was announced almost six months ago, I’m afriad. It’s 100th episode would be its last, it aired the Friday before the new BSG. Like SG-1, there are plans for at least 1 DTV movie. Stargate Universe debuts this upcoming summer/fall I believe.

Also, sci-fi and comedy fans should keep an eye out for the new show from the “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” crew, “Boldly Going Nowhere,” a Star Trek spoof series. I just remembered that.

I just wanted to add that I absolutely loved Rome until they got to the Egypt stuff. Once they got Antony to Egypt all of that just completely pulled me out of the show.

I also wanted to add, per Mary’s interview on The View this past Thursday, her character will be returning on Grey’s.

The best show on TV after BSG is The Unit. Check out older episodes on DVD but its awesome.:smiley:

I heard that Ron Moore was working on another show besides Caprica that takes place in space. Anyone know what it is?

I’ll probably just go back to watching The Price is Right.

I think someone already mentioned them but Stargate SG-1 is very good and there are 10 seasons worth of episodes. Although, if you quit after season 8 no one should blame you. It is no where near the quality of BSG, but the producers know that and the show doesn’t take itself too seriously. It is meant to be popcorn entertainment and I thought they did an excellant job at that. Atlantis was not as good but I enjoyed it. If nothing else, give it a chance for Dr. Rodney McKay. Universe is starting this Fall or next Spring. I’ll probably end up watching it, even though it sounds an awful lot like Voyager.

I’m a big ST:TNG fan but I never saw Deep Space 9, so that’s where I’m headed off to next, then possibly Farscape.

It’s called “Virtuality.” io9 had an article on it a while back.

Farscape is probably the closest to BSG in style (and possibly quality?). Stargate is great, but don’t expect it to be anything like BSG. It has a totally different sensibility; a lighter, self-deprecating, upbeat quality, although it gets dark occasionally (Atlantis more than SG-1). Frankly, it can be a little more enjoyable because of that, but some fans think that the characters get off too easily and would be darker if they were more realistic. Some nice moral questions and a few philosophically deep episodes, but mostly it’s just a fun ride with great characters and lots of laughs.

Pike’s right, but io9 also had an article10 days ago about the show’s troubles, so I wouldn’t try holding your breath til it premieres.

It’s not SF but I saw that Nathan Fillion is starring in a new show on NBC, which debuts on March 9. It’s called Castles.

Personally, I’m doing a rewatch of DS9, planning to trade a friend my classic fantasy collection for his classic sci fi collection, and perhaps taking up knitting.