What is your favorite Star Ship?

I dunno. I reject the whole premise and concept of “cannon”, especially as it applies to Star Trek. “Cannon” seems to me just a code word for “I want to spoil your fun”. The only cannon I care about is the Gorn cannon.

As the great Star Trek character Obi Wan Kenobi once said “it’s all about point of view” (well, he didn’t really say that but …)

You make me smile, because there’s such a wide generation gap between us. You bought Mr. Scott’s Guide to Enterprise in the 6th grade, whereas I bought the awesome “Star Fleet Technical Manual” in 6th grade (1976). :smiley:

I never had a great affection for Mr. Scott’s Guide to Enterprise. But that time I had some much other info and stuff (FASA and other) Star Trek stuff that it didn’t tell me much I hadn’t already decided was “real”.

Years ago…(in 70s ), there were these great things called Star Trek Poster Books (maybe that’s the wrong name for it), but it was essentially a short magazine that folded out to become a poster. The poster each month would be different—Kirk, Kirk and Spock, Enterprise, Uhura holding a tribble etc. Well, one issue I remember had an awesome diagram of a warp engine and what all the different pieces were and how it worked. I wished I’d saved that. It was very cool.

Eeek. No way would I accept that rule. For example, the J.J. Abrams Star Trek movie was an awesome movie, but he ain’t proven himself yet.
Though I suppose comparing rebooted Star Trek with classic Star Trek is apples and oranges.

I very much enjoyed one aspect of Enterprise: Season 4. The explanation for the ‘swarthy Italian style Klingons’ from the original series, the disposition of the Defiant from The Tholian Web, etc. A good example, I feel, of where newest = best on the canon front, it was logically made and tied things together instead of (as often happens) pushing them further apart.

Try reconciling a Vonda McIntyre book like ‘Strangers in the Sky’ or ‘Enterprise:The First Adventure’ or 'Final Frontier" with the stuff we’ve seen on screen for example. Yowza! Lots of divergence.

:smiley: I’ve read all three of those, all great books! Yeah, they can still be enjoyable without being consistent with one another.

I ran a FASA ST RPG adventure based on the plot of “Strangers in the Sky”. Worked out really fun!

I remeber in ST 6 being so excited because the Bird of Prey was cloaked and fireing torps ( cost of 2 power per torp to fire). In FASA, me and my young friends had incorrectly translated the rules to believe that a cloaked ship COULD fire… it just wouldn’t have a lot of power to do a lot else, becuase of the cost of running the cloaking device. The verbage says somehting like “don’t fire becuase they don’t’s have enough power”.

We were like “sure it does if you can just get a torp or two into an unshieled side. Just run cloak, movement, and torps” sure no shields… but take the chance that teh neg to hit will help you out.

So a bird of prey CRUISER ( the big one that looks identical but has a crew of like 205) was a pretty good fire while cloaked ship. When watyching that movie we were so excited becuase we were like “He is useing MY manuver!” ( BTW his battle ended the same way a bird of prey cruiser vs an Excelsior and Enterprise class Mk3 should have went… no ion seeking torps needed!

Years later when we decided to start playing again… we were useing the WARBIRD and were like " how can you beat this thing… it has like 120 super structure. 4/1 movement / and can power three arcs of shields, move and cloak… it is near unbeatable. Someone re-read rules we hadn’t really read since 1985 and said “oh there is a blanket rule that says no fireing while cloaked”

All those victories forfit!

We had played with colaoked ships fireing since the ST3 version of the FASA game!

I never played the FASA stuff. I, unfortunately, had never met anyone where I was growing up who even played rpg/sim games. Always felt I missed out a little on that front.

I did and do, however, love most of the ST books out there - old and new. Sure there were some dogs and the whole “canon” thing caused me no end of frustration, but they were still enjoyable for the most part.

(Side note, did anyone read the Vulcan’s soul trilogy? And did anyone have an issue with TNG characters working side by side with still ‘active’ TOS characters? Specifically Uhura and Chekov. Scotty’s presence, at least, was more or less explained in the TNG timeline with the episode Relics. Just curious what anyone else thought.)

And sticking with the original thread a little. I used to love, love, love the Excelsior class. But, as the years went by, I came to really like the Nebula class, what a beaut, as a big ship (sorta like a modern version of the Miranda class)

Then, ultimately, the little used Nova class. Small ships kinda rock too.

Hey there! Welcome to the forum!
I’ve read a lot lot lot of Star Trek books? Which ones were your favorite?
I think I read only first of the Vulcan soul triliogy —I’ll have to refresh my memory.

To avoid thread drift, maybe we should start a fresh new Star Trek books thread of dig and an old one.
Short answer is: Any ST book by Dianne Duane and Peter David were always my top favs.

Thank’s for the welcome. I’m really liking it around here. I would definitely be all for a thread on ST books. For a long time, it was the only way I could get my star trek fix. I don’t have one particular favorite author - though Christopher L. Bennett has some pretty good stuff out there - but I’ve always been a big fan of the TOS line of books.

Though I could definitely write much, much more on the subject, I will try and restrain myself and save it for a more appropriate thread. :smiley:

I see I’m a little behind the boat here, or starship as it were, and I have absolutely nothing to add to the cannocity debate in Star Trek, but I do have a vote on my favorite ship.

I always thought the Intrepid class was a sexy looking ship, and I even like the (probably impractical) way the nacelles moved when they went in or out of warp. I am a little biased in that I like the newer style of ships over TOS, and I always thought the Galaxy class looked incredibly ungainly.

Impractical? no way. Those are to prevent subspace from being sheered. It’s the environment friendly green vehicle of the 24th century.

It’s a Space Prius.

I was once in a Wal-Mart, many years ago, and I was dared to hold up a Sci-Fi magazine and pretend it was a porn mag. The magazine had a schematic of Voyager as a centerfold and I was supposed to be going “Oh, look at the curves, I can’t believe they put things like this in print” etc. and then turn around right when a woman walked by and ask her what she thought.

I chickened out. I did however accept the dare to challenge an old lady to sword fight with a rolled poster. She told me she could take me.

But I suppose that’s unrelated to why I like the Intrepid class.

If I remember correctly another reason for the Intepid class being styled the way it was is so it could maneuver through the ‘Badlands’, which was something the clunky Carrdassian vessels could not do.