What if the U.S.S. Enterprise Bridge Crew Had Twitter?

Yeoman Rand @Kirk Sir, will you please do something about @ChiefofSecurity ?? He followed me to the observation deck today.

So… I gather no one is following the real Red Shirt Squad?

Gorn Hey! Who stole my bunny slippers?

This was a fun thread. We should do this for FireFly. :smiley:

We have a thread setup for that already?

Worf: Twitter battles are not honorable.

morn@morn need to get a better seat at Quark"s it’s killing my a**:cool:

----- Thread. Rebooted. And Sequeled -------------
(probably more fun if you’ve see all the Star Trek Into Darkness Trailers)

@Kirk @Spock You think your world is a safe? It is a illusion. A comforting lie told to protect you. Enjoy these final moments of pea…

Kirk @JohnHarrisonVillian I think my world is a safe? Like a safe in a bank?

JohnHarrisonVillian @Kirk No…it was a typo I meant ‘safe’ not 'a safe" …now please let …

Spock @JohnHarrisonVillian The word illusion starts with a vowel. So it’s “an illusion”. Not “a”.

Kirk @JohnHarrisonVillian And what do you mean by pea?

JohnHarrisonVillian @Kirk @Spock Peace! Not pea! I ran to the end of the 140 character limit, I was going to continue in a 2nd tweet.

Kirk @JohnHarrisonVillian You’re like really bad at this.

JohnHarrisonVillian @Kirk I am better.

Kirk @JohnHarrisonVillian At what?

JohnHarrisonVillian @Kirk Everything.

Spock @JohnHarrisonVillian Based on what you’ve tweeted so far, that is an illogical statement.

JohnHarrisonVillian @Kirk @Spock Shall we begin?

Kirk @JohnHarrisonVillian We began like 10 tweets ago, Sherlock

JohnHarrisonVillian @Kirk @Spock What did you call me?!

Spock @Kirk @JohnHarrisonVillian 11 tweets, to be precise.

JohnHarrisonVillian @Spock @Kirk (rolls eyes) Were you two this snarky with Nero?

Kirk @JohnHarrisonVillian Nero had a huge intimidating ship. Nero was cool.

Spock @Kirk @JohnHarrisonVillian And he kilt me mum.

JohnHarrisonVillian @Spock @Kirk Just you wait.

Kirk @JohnHarrisonVillian My father was captain of a Starship for 12 minutes. He saved 800 lives, including my mother’s and mine.

Spock @Kirk And least you HAVE a mother.

JohnHarrisonVillian @Kirk You actually timed how long your dad was a Starship captain? Your kinda a dick.

Kirk @JohnHarrisonVillian I was just a baby.

JohnHarrisonVillian @Kirk 800 seems like an absurdly round number. Was your dad OCD or something?

Kirk @JohnHarrisonVillian Shut up, you meanie! My dad was like a god to me…a big Norse god![b]

Spock[/b] @Kirk Hey Jim. If your my dad married your mum, we’d be step brothers! How cool is that?

JohnHarrisonVillian @Kirk Is your Vulcan friend always this irritating?

Kirk @JohnHarrisonVillian He khan be sometimes. He khan be. See what I did there? :slight_smile:

JohnHarrisonVillian [i]@Kirk /i

you rock.


@Enterprise If you guys find John Denver out there, send him back home, ok? Thx.

I haven’t watched any of the trailers but I’d definitely watch this twitter feed.