Welcome to GWCville

“The Hammer” Adult Toy Store
Inara’s Fine Fashions
Dr Whiskey’s Walk-in Clinic

The Hammer… why do I get the feeling you’re gonna have a lot more fun at that store than I will?

Sounds awesome. Hey, I hope you don’t mind, but I made this side view image of your Jayne statue—it’ll come in handy when the sculptors start work on it.

Jayne statue’s a nice touch.

IYKWIM. Wait a minute. We need a GalaxyRanger Memorial Titular Meadow

It’s not a meadow, it’s a lawn. Now git off it.

As Chuck would say…“Oh my”…

GalaxyRanger Monument at Ranger Hill, GWCville.

I’ll be hanging out near Kaylee’s :wink: yay for the wine bar!

This is going to be great. Nothing new has ocurred to me, but worry not, I shall advise ye all should that ocurr :stuck_out_tongue:

Woah! How did you do that?

I chopped up a pic of the “Hollywood” sign and moved some of the landscaping around to cover.

Um, I mean…We built it on the hill! For GR!


Wow! I had to pick myself off the floor after that one. Fraking brilliant!!

In addition to Sunnydale H.S., I believe we should have some representation of Starfleet/Colonies Academy with which to educate our offspring in the ways of the geek! from Pre-K through Post Graduate! Focusing not only on academia, but vocational craftsmanship as well! All are welcome!

The littlest ones can attend Laura Roslin Elementary School. Then they can proceed to Starfleet Academy Prep for Jr. High/middle school. Sunnydale H.S. followed by their choice of either Colonial War College, the Imperial Naval Academy or Starfleet Academy. Those that choose the Imperial Academy will have to postpone their enrollment for a period of apprenticeship in the GWCVille moisture farm, however.

Our only two choices for college educations are both military schools? Well, that’s problem.

In addition to my duties as the Star Fleet Uniform official measurer (see below), I’ll have a little tailoring business. But like Garek on DS9, I won’t only be a tailor, I’ll also secretly be an agent working for The Alliance and Star Fleet Section 31. For those students who do not wish to join any of the learning institutions mentioned above, I will be taking on apprentices to learn my trade.

Yeah, agreed. I need a job at a place of higher education and would prefer it not be military. :wink: But wait, do we have to work in GWCville?

Im of the mind you don’t have to work - but it might be nice to do something you want…which really may not be work…

Like Tree Planting Cylons…they LOVE that kinda stuff :smiley: