Welcome to GWCville

Inside GWCville we’ll call it “The Village” and we can have white bouncy ball guards patrolling the perimeter. And our personnal living spaces will have our personnal identification number on the front. We’ll reserve Number 6 for any special guests that come to stay. And like any autonimous collective, we’ll have a rotating leader each week known as Number 2. If visitors ask where is Number 1, we’ll just remind them that they are Number 6, and leave it at that.

No big deal. This is just some preliminary shots of the plumbing for the Secondary emergency back-up brew pub

Good idea. That way if there is a problem, we can cross polerize the Guiness feed into the Foster’s line and boost it’s output. It’s a million to one shot, but it just might work.

Good. We’ll install a temperature sensor too. If the Dallas temperature gets above 100, we’ll dispense some watered down American beer. Otherwise, we’ll stick with good microbrews and foreign beers/ales.

Ya canna change the laws o’ physics! Good microbrews and foreign beers/ales canna be mixed wi watered down American beer - ye’ll flood th’ whole compartment! :smiley:

What, no “Captain, she’s gonna blow!!!”?

If WE DON"T OPEN IT HE’LL DIE (of thirst) he’s holding up 4 fingers. I think he wants 4 beers!

Gorn’s Head…Scotch…I’m good.

I love this thread.

Very important point. We’ll have to install Failsafe systems to blow the vats out of the pub and vent the system to prevent that from happening.

But we’ll have to install real Failsafe systems, not like the ones that are on the Federation ships. Their Failsafes never work properly when things go wrong.

Not to ruin the brewmaster’s fun… but can we have a winery, too? :wink:

Wine, yes. But no whining.


Wouldn’t that be on the Galatica? Sure things got a little loose when he started making friends with Athena, but he never let fax-talky-things on that wouldn’t have fit in in the 50’s. I think that if you built a replica of the Galatica and tried to so much as rig it up for a LAN party, Olmos would come out’a nowhere and beat you with one of those phones.

Young fool…only now, at the end, do you understand…that you forgot to flush the elevator.

Yes! Remember, though, that since we’re also all Lebowskis we must keep a full stock of the necessary ingredients for White Russians. We must abide, after all.

We also need a canteen that serves plenty of penne all’arabiata and regulation Vespas that we can all ride around while going “ciao!”

I’m disappinted by the lack of Whedon Whore friendly services at this complex.

Hold on, let me draw something up really quick.

Our very own dollhouse perhaps?

My office will be Wes’s office in the Hyperion. Or maybe I’ll take the basement for my labs.

And we’ll need a Wolfram and Hart Building, too.

And we have to have that demon bar for our poker games.

Okay, so obviously this is work in progress here, but We the Whedon Whores will take over a small corner of the GWCVille real estate, and we’ll build something like this…

Soon to come…

Shepherd Book Cathedral.
A Blackmarket Beagle Farm and a Petting Zoo
Dollhouse Beauty Salon
Heart of Gold Yoga Studio. (Don’t place next to the cathedral)
Lorn’s Karaoke Bar
An Office building… I mean we gotta work, right? Wolfram and Hart building, perhaps?

I’m sure we’ll come up with more stuff. Work in progress.

I guess it should also have a school for the kids. Obviously, we need Sunnydale High School. Also,

Captain Hammer’s Laundromat.
Sauna and Spa, “The Moist”
Captain Tightpants’ Men’s Wearhouse.