Nice Golum smurf
Having pondered these posters… I won’t hate on them at length, but I’m really not feeling any of them. To repeat my point: The characters look like soap-opera actors and fetish models who do pilates, not kick-[s.barb] athletes, which is what super-heroes (generally) are. Raw-shark is a smaller guy, but Ozymandias?
Ozymandias is an Olympic-level athlete. Unfortunately, Olympic athletes are notoriously bad actors. Ever see Gymkata? American Anthem? :eek:
Point taken – though the inexplicable Gymkata scene with the stone gym horse in the middle of a square of a primitive village was awesomely terrible. But if Snyder could find all kinds of buffed-out people for 300, and since this is a movie that people have been trying to make for 20 years, and since there are actors like Rome’s Titus Pullo and Lucius Vorenus… He coulda found some people that were the right physical type and could act.
In my nit-picky opinion, having the wrong physical type just deflates the reality you’re trying to establish. Michael Keaton was not Batman. And maybe Los Watchhombres look better in motion, on the big screen. But a guy with Veidt’s training regimen and physical abilities – especially as written in the version of the story I’m familiar with – wouldn’t look like, as one Ain’t it Cool commenter observed, Seven of Nine. And I’m all ready to accept Dr. Manhattan. But somehow I can’t get past the Snidley Whiplash Comedian. It’s not realistic.
And to balance it out with a positive note, I’m generally opposed to changing source material. But I understand the altered ending and why it’s necessary. Maybe they coulda done better, but I accept that a change was needed.
And congratulations, sir: The forum’s been here over a year now, and your post was the first Gymkata reference.
Well, one thing we have to keep in mind is that this movie is to comicbook movies what the original was to comicbooks. It’s going to look a bit different, because the references are different.
New Watchmen trailer!
I’m giving this a nudge so that the people over on the other side of the Atlantic, who just woke up, can see this under “new posts” as well.
For old posts, go to the Cavil/Palpatine thread.
Seriously, drop whatever the frak you’re doing and watch it. As someone who’s been vocally skeptical about the movie, I feel significantly better after watching that. I’m even coming to terms with the new shape of the blood splot.
I’ve finally made the connection that Osterman/Manhattan was, literally, a watch man. Slow I am.
I dunno. The use of the term “Watchmen” is jarring, but I can understand why they’re using it. [spoiler]And is that the squidless ending we’re seing there? [/spoiler]I’m not any more excited about it, but I’m not any less so. I’ll call this one a push.
OK, so Titus Pullo from HBO’s Rome is playing the new Punisher. And everything about the commercials makes the new movie look just as unappealing as the last ones. How do they screw that up?
But, that said, I still say he’d have been a great choice for the Comedian. I think, in many a case, a good performance can be credited to the director. It’s why – I believe – Jennifer Lopez is so good in Out of Sight and so negligible in everything else. The right director coulda made him good in the part.
Again I find myself agreeing with DXF, I don’t like the new Punisher, well the trailers haven’t shown me anything to like. what happened to Thomas Jane as Frank Castle? I liked the first one. I know I haven’t read the comics in years, but what was the name of the guy that help him, I think he was always in the Van?
I don’t know how I happen to miss some threads. Just found this one. The trailer is fantastic. I remember when the Watchmen comics came out, but never read it. So I’m heading for my comics shop right now. Looks very intriguing.
Some of the reasons why P2 is like it is:
Why T. Jane bailed:
And apparently, the new Punisher one-shot graphic novel “Tyger,” by Garth Ennis of Preacher fame, is quite good:
I hope this doesn’t hamper Pullo’s career.
Another longer trailer (the footage was shown earlier this year) for Watchmen, still shiny:
I either missed or forgot that one.
Dollar Bill!
So this was the footage (a little different) that was shown at comic con, although the music is different as well (I seem to remember bob dylan at comic con).
Crap I can’t believe I missed tha4t at ComicCon.
I finally got the book. I am off to read.
Its on my desk back at school my book. I still need to read it…
Too bad I never learned to read