Watchmen - Teaser Trailer

Do yourself a favor and read it. Even if it is the only comic book you’ll ever read in your entire life, it’d be worth every penny of the price.

Thank you guys.
I have enjoyed comic books but I hate never ending stories. I also have to go back to work soon and then I have no time to myself. I feel like a kid wanting to know how many pages a book has. :wink:

So, it is wide spread enough to get it at say a Borders Book store?

I have no idea. I was about to suggest to get it off Amazon, but then I saw that they charge for shipping in the US, which is weird because they ship for free over here (tougher competition?).

I’m sure if it’s not in stock at your bookstore, they can get you the paperback within a day or two.

Yep. Got to the graphic novels section right by the SciFi section. I can almost guarantee they’ll have it (baring have sold out of their last shipment.)

Saw the trailer.


I cannot wait until next March.

If it is half as good as the trailer looks it will be fantastic.

I have loved this graphic novel for a long time…in fact it was my first graphic novel. I think my favorite part of the trailer is the choice of music…it seems to evoke a mid-80s style which is doubly cool as that is both when the novel takes place as well as when it came out.

I real need to get to a book store.

Run, don’t walk my friend.

It is a few miles away I may get there faster driving. :smiley:

As we speak – and these tend to fluctuate quickly, but still – Watchmen is’s #7 bestselling book.

I guess that trailer’s stirring up some interest.

I’ll say. I was at Barnes & Noble earlier today, and they had stacks of them all over the store. The cashier said they’ve been selling crazy…

i always think it’s weird/interesting that people feel that way about Rorschach. he was written to be sort of a warning, like what would happen if, say, Spider-Man never took off his mask, never allowed himself to become Peter Parker again. Rorshach has no sense of himself as a person, only as a force against crime. not really a spoiler, but [spoiler]he has no regard for the innocent, as shown in the very first book when he walks into a bar, picks a random man, breaks his pinky, and then breaks his index finger before the other bar patrons, terrified, beg him to stop and swear they know nothing about the death of Edward Blake.[/spoiler] in the words of Lee Adama, “that’s not justice. not to me.” Alan Moore himself has stated that Rorschach is not supposed to be idolized. he is to be feared. he is violent and cruel towards the innocent. [spoiler]he is a murderer, although there are extenuating circumstances there.[/spoiler] he is the reason why vigilantism is illegal. his take on justice is that as long as he can inflict punishment on a criminal -[spoiler]or maybe toss Captain Carnage down an elevator shaft[/spoiler]- it doesn’t matter who gets hurt. he thinks of ordinary people as vermin, lower life forms, contemptible creatures ruled by fear, lust, and greed. Rorschach is not a good person. he’s a paranoid schizophrenic with a superiority complex and extreme sociopathic tendencies. as much as i love Rorschach as a character, his take on justice is disturbing and perverse.

And he has a really cool mask, too! :smiley:

I absolutely agree with you that Rorschach is not a good dude, and that he has got some issues. However, he is still my favorite for two reasons.

Firstly, I always love the underdogs—though like RMHPH pointed out, I shouldn’t mention Rorschach and dogs—whether they be heroic or a bastard, or even anything in between.

Secondly, not to get into spoilers but I had the most respect for him at the end when everyone else took the easy way out. I guess I am just the kind of guy that prefers the truth, no matter how much it might frack things up. Some of the other vigilantes obviously didn’t feel that way, so to me at least, it was hard to respect them. Cause no matter how good it may seem at the time, avoiding the truth will always come back to bite you in the sorrybarb. Just my personal reaction to the comic.

ah, but is that really the easy way out? the whole point of the book is that good and evil are subjective terms, and [spoiler]whether or not you agree with Ozymandias’ plan (and i’m not necessarily saying i do), it works. he successfully manufactures a crisis that scares the world enough to bring warring nations together. and the fact that one man took all that weight on himself…Ozymandias destroys his own soul in order to save the world.[/spoiler]there’s something incredibly admirable about that, and it would be extremely inaccurate to refer to those actions as easy, or a way out. Rorschach’s commitment to his ideals is also admirable, but on this issue, it’s not readily apparent that Rorschach’s intended actions will serve the greater good.

Chuck, Sean, Audra, and um…Larry? i hope the lively discussion occurring here is enough to convince you to do a 'cast on Watchmen. the material is rich with interesting and thought-provoking ideas.

oh, and RMHPH? hifrakkinlarious!

new Watchmen posters

find all of them here

Nice to see Bubastis. Nite Owl looks a bit thicker than before, which is good. Ozzy is still too young. Love the Comedian lighting his cigar (was that in the book? I don’t remember it.)

I think I just had a geekgasm…

A multiple one? Since there are multiple posters…