I went and watched the movie again ( this time for free and in IMAX) thanks to my kid who used to work at the theater. After seeing it again I was able to key on some subtle things in the movie that I missed the first time. I’m sure there are a lot more but here are some of little “easter eggs” type things I noticed.
-In the opening credits, There are “Gotham City Opera” posters in the background when the original ‘Nite Owl’ is punching the a robber. Also shown in the scene is a man and women leaving the opera. In case you forgot, Batman’s Parents were killed in a robbery after leaving an Opera performance. So NiteOwl saved Bruce Wayne’s parents, so no more Batman (Both Watchmen and Batman are from DC comics)
-When the comedian shoots JFK, you see a puff of smoke rising over the fence, coming from his cigar. Witnesses have claimed to see smoke coming over the fence on the grassy knoll, theoretically from the gunshot.
-At the beginning when The Comedian throws his coffee cup at the door and it hits the numbers. The 1 is broken off and it reads “300”.
-The flag on the wall during the riot scene has 51 stars on it indicating Vietnam became the 51st state.
-When comedian gets thrown out the window you can see a smiley face in the moon.
- “The Good luck Mr.Gorsky,” from Neil Armostrong when Dr.M is taking his picture in the opening credits.
When he was a kid, Neil Armstrong was playing baseball with a friend in the backyard. His friend hit a fly ball which landed in the front of his neighbor’s bedroom windows. His neighbors were Mr. & Mrs. Gorsky.
As he leaned down to pick up the ball, young Armstrong heard Mrs. Gorsky shouting at Mr. Gorsky, "Oral sex! You want oral sex?! You’ll get oral sex when the kid next door walks on the moon.
-A Smiley face in Neil Armstrong’s visor. Dr. M’s shadow forms the mouth.
-The hippie who puts the flower in the gun barrel has a smiley face painted on her cheek.
-There are two stones and a samurai sword in The Comedian’s apartment which form a smiley face.