Watchmen (Movie)

Im prob going to see it tonight
i am prepared to giggle with glee
or stand up and scream obscenities at the movie. Both are plausible

It does eveything the book does. If you loved the book then you will like the movie. The ending has changed a little but i think the new one is significantly better.

What Mr.Lister said. I loved it there were only small things missing which did not effect the story to much and I’m willing to be will be released in the 4hr Directors cut. Other then that I liked and did not mind the changes!

The only thing I did not care for was the MUSIC! I understand what they are going for and the reasoning behind the music they chose. But sorry I felt it was a distraction, c’mon was 99 Red Ballons…really needed!!! (yeah I know what the lyrics translate to, but still).

I dunoo, I liked the origonal ending quite a bit. Something about felt right. I know many who didnt like[SPOILER]the alien thing[/SPOILER] but i felt it was right

please explain how, music is an integral part to me, and bad music can really piss me off

I still like the old ending. I just like this one better

Last night I decided to not see it at least for now,

its just I love the original novel so much. i’m afraid of the movie ruining it a little. It looks good but i’m happy with Watchmen as it is. last night i just got all nervous about how its being translated to screen may affect my view of the original.

Ok, just finished seeing the movie. Wow, I can’t believe what a good job they did. Seriously. I am huge fan of the graphic novel and, while they didn’t improve the subject matter they did pretty much seamlessly bring it to the big screen.

I feel that the new ending is actually an improvement over the old one. [spoiler]Oh no! Alien galactic squiddies no more! Waaaah![/spoiler] Puhlease.

This movie was unapologetically true to the source material. It was dark. It was gritty, the characters remained flawed. The small bits they removed are barely noticeable. If I had to make one small comment it is the music. At first it is pretty cool how they use the music to establish the time period…but they go a step too far and rub our collective noses in it. Small gripe.

Listen closely for a musak version of “Everybody wants to rule the world” that plays in the background at one point…that was a nice touch.

Overall, without the movie being four hours long I will officially say it couldn’t have been much better than what we have been given. Well done Zack Snyder…you didn’t ruin a masterpiece. Kudos to you sir. From what I understand about how you defended the source material from the beginning we have you to thank for this. (Hollywood wanted to lighten the mood, create a franchise, update the story by putting it in present day, etc).

Great flick. Definitely don’t drink a Big Gulp prior tho…you will be in pain.

A question about the ending to those who have seen it Spoiler!!!

[spoiler] from what i gathered there was not giant squid which isn’t a surprise and doesn’t bother me I mean psychic squid, crazy bomb whatever they need to kill a whole bunch of people. but from what i’ve heard Veidt makes the new york attack look like its John’s doing; is this true?[/spoiler]

Just saw it, at first I was kind of disappointed, nice story and all but the slow pace didn’t do it for me. Then thinking about it later I started to like it more.

I noticed the everybody wants to rule the world muzak.

Loved the kind of weird universe with what looks like second rate heroes (terribly flawed). I can understand picking a bat as a symbol but an Owl ?

Is it wrong that my favorite hero is the comedian? Don’t get me wrong he’s a fraking psycho, but he’s so cool in a dark kind of way. But I love the actor playing him so it could help to like the character.

HAHAHA the moth man.

Yes that is correct…however…

[spoiler]Veit also nukes about 7 or 8 other major cities around the world. So it looks like John was saying hey listen stop what you are doing and i will stop doing this. It also give John a much more plausible reason to leave…[/spoiler]

dammit; i see how the story still works that way, but shucks… :frowning:

I know…I half expected the Tick to stick his head out of the ambulance and cry, “SPOOON!”

It works better in the world where there is only one “super” hero than [spoiler]Space Calamari[/spoiler] which is a little fantastical

MC Frontalot reviews Watchmen (contains spoilers, also nerd singularity.)

His last line makes it all worthwhile.

[spoiler]I Agree Psychic shellfish wouldn’t be right for the movie. but putting the blame on John fundamentally changes his characters development. A giant flying saucer with laser beams or space missiles would have worked a space cockroach in an Edgar suit ect [/spoiler]

what the hell am i saying I can’t really argue this without seeing it first. so I’ll simply concede to your opinion until i decide to watch it.

Decent movie, but the music was horrible. At times is was great (all along the Watchtower) but during scenes like the funeral, it was terrible, and innapropriate

I remembered my biggest gripe when a preview of the movie came on last night before BSG…everytime the Comedian was on the screen I found myself thinking,

“I didn’t know Robert Downey Jr. was in this film”

I instantly knew it was Jeffrey Dean Morgan. He was great in Supernatural.

But I have to say except that Morgan looks bigger than Robert D junior, they sometime look a little bit alike.

As for the music it wasn’t so bad and I like the '80

Made me think of a supernatural great quote.

Sam : When I told dad there is a monster under my bed, he gave me a shotgun.
Dean : What’s the problem with that?
Sam : I was six Dean, six !

EJ Olmos would have been an awesome Comedian:rolleyes: