Warhammer 40K

Miniature gaming is strangly one of the few things I haven’t seen on this area of the ol’ boards so because I’m bored (and yet need to all into the podcast) I figured I’d share these pictures of the Marines I recently finished up for Warhammer 40K:

Next up: Orks, Guard, or some flaver of Chaos (they’ve all been gathering dust for years)

Very impressive.

Still, I have to wonder how they’d fare against THIS!

It’s only sisters of battle-just flash those teeth and bolters and say “Hey baby, wanna BURN AND PURGE THE HERETICS!” - IYKWIM

Later, we’ll send the dreadnought into a Space Wolf area, just to watch the reaction…

Been trying to get into 40k. Just haven’t had time to play or paint in the last 15 years or so. :(:D:eek::cool:

Would really like to get a Death Korps of Krieg army together.

The books can be entertaining. Highly recommend the Last Chancers series.

That was my problem exac-t-ly! But now I was able to find myself with 1 or 2 days a week by myself and was able to do about 1 or 2 squads a week. With 5th edition coming out in a few weeks, there’s a good chance of a new gaming league popping up at one of the local stores.

Not to hijack (as 40k is one of my all time fictional universes) but have you guys ever tried any of the Privateer Press games? They are more skirmish level (as opposed to army level in 40k) and a bit more affordable. Each individual figure is relatively more expensive, but the armies overall seem to be significantly cheaper (plus every figure is metal).

It’s quickly becoming a tie for fictional fluff IMO. I’m just trying to wrangle up the disposable income to get an army ready for a local league.

On a more topical note, I heard some great reviews of the 5th edition of 40k on a few gaming podcasts that I like. Sounds like some great effort went into streamlining and rebalancing. Kudos Cujo!

I’ve been pseudo into it for the past couple years but I think I’m gonna fully get into it over this summer

I’m thinking about putting together the following 500 point army to kick things off, thoughts? Opinions?

Reclusiarch Chaplain w/ Jump Pack and Terminator Honors: 120
5 man Tactical Squad w/ Heavy Bolter: 80
5 Man Tactical Squad w/ Heavy Bolter: 80
5 Man Scout Squad w/ 4 Sniper Rifles, 1 Missile Launcher: 95
Assault Squad w/ 2 Plasma Pistols, 5 Frag Grenades: 125

Total: 500

It’s a little light AT but I don’t expect to run into a heavy AT army at this level. Chaplain attached to the Assault Squad for a sexy rush, Scouts and Tacticals providing fire support

There’s a 40k podcast called “The Drop Pod Cast”


Based on what is known on 5th edition (i.e. interwebs and the new White Dwarf) it sounds like a good start, especially with how “troops” will be the only ones able to capture objectives. For the next 250 or 500 points, look at Razorbacks for the tacticals and some form of heavy support and more assault troops.

Of course, when the new marine codex comes out, all the points change anyway…

No razorbacks. No tanks. For my 1000 pointer I’m thinking a devastator squad for some more AT. Dread for rockin shit(Sorry barb) and either a Bike squad with an attached Attack Bike or a jump pack equipped command squad or both. I haven’t really crunched the numbers just yet

Right now, most marine chapters can’t have jump pack command squads (I WISH I COULD!) but one joke I heard about dreads is that they attrack LOTS of fire.
I’m thinkin of picking up a bike squad that the local store got in by mistake. They’re the DA bike squad (and after typing that I should say Dark Angel not Dumbledore’s Army, as cool as a chapter THAT might be) and it’s $35 compared to $45 for the “regular” bike squad. If the DA parts aren’t molded on the sprue it’s a must-get for me.

And I need to find the link again to foldable paper 40K vehicles. (The Rhino look really good.)

Raven Guard can, it’s their thing yo

You and Blood Angels (AUGH) but the chapter that’s supposed to be all “fast attack” and “outflank” etc etc can’t.

It will all be better in the new codex (which gives me transports that can outflank-yeah team!)

So I’m in this vassal40k campaign type dealy. We’re starting off at 500 points, must follow FoC.

This is my army:

Space Marine Chaplain with Jump Pack, Storm Bolter, and Digital Weapons. 128 points

5 man Scout Squad with 4 Sniper Rifles, 1 Heavy Bolter. 85 points
5 man Scout Squad with 4 Sniper Rifles, 1 Heavy Bolter. 85 points

Fast Attack
8 man Assault Squad with Flamer, Sgt. w/ Pair of Lightning Claws, Melta Bombs. 199 points

497 Points

I’m gonna get totally raped by vehicles but I’m kinda counting on them not showing up in force in a 500 point game.

Raven Guard 750 Pts - Space Marines: Codex Army

1 Space Marine Chaplain (HQ) @ 130 Pts
Jump Pack; Melta Bombs; Bolt Pistol (x1); Crozius Arcanum; Frag Grenades;
Krak Grenades; Rosarius
Digital Weapons [10]

4 Scout Squad (Troops) @ 95 Pts
Bolt Pistol (x4); Combat Blade (x4); Frag Grenades; Krak

 1 Scout Sergeant @ [43] Pts
      Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Melta Bombs; Power Weapon (x1); Bolt

4 Scout Squad (Troops) @ 90 Pts
Bolt Pistol (x4); Combat Blade (x4); Frag Grenades; Krak

 1 Scout Sergeant @ [38] Pts
      Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Weapon (x1); Bolt Pistol

7 Assault Squad (Fast Attack) @ 189 Pts
Bolt Pistol & CCW (x7); Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Jump Packs

 1 Space Marine Sergeant @ [63] Pts
      Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Melta Bombs; Lightning Claws (x2); Jump

0 Land Speeder Squadron (Fast Attack) @ 160 Pts

 1 Land Speeder Tornado #1 @ [80] Pts
      Multi-Melta; Multi-Melta (x1)

 1 Land Speeder Tornado @ [80] Pts
      Multi-Melta; Multi-Melta (x1)

1 Land Speeder Storm (Fast Attack) @ 85 Pts
Assault Cannon
#Cerberus Launcher [0]
#Jamming Beacon [0]

Models in Army: 22

Total Army Cost: 749

unit by unit…

This is a great start. Makes the assault troops very nasty when they get close.

4 Scout Squad (Troops) @ 95 Pts
Bolt Pistol (x4); Combat Blade (x2); Shotgun (x2); Frag Grenades; Krak

 1 Scout Sergeant @ [43] Pts
      Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Melta Bombs; Power Weapon (x1); Bolt

4 Scout Squad (Troops) @ 90 Pts
Bolt Pistol (x4); Combat Blade (x2); Shotgun (x2); Frag Grenades; Krak

 1 Scout Sergeant @ [38] Pts
      Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Weapon (x1); Bolt Pistol

I’ll assume 1 of these goes on the Storm. The other one needs to become 10 man, lose the power weapon in that, and get the heavy bolter. The part with the heavy bolter finds a nice place (near an objective) and snipes the whole game with it’s hellfire rounds.
Also, go all bolt pistol/blade or all shotgun/bolt pistol. Or consider sniper rifles for whoever goes with the heavy weapon.

7 Assault Squad (Fast Attack) @ 189 Pts
Bolt Pistol & CCW (x7); Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Jump Packs

 1 Space Marine Sergeant @ [63] Pts
      Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Melta Bombs; Lightning Claws (x2); Jump

Drop it to 5 total to pay for the scouts, keep the chaplain in there and they still will take out 80% of what’s out there. At higher points not so much but at 750 this is great.

1 Land Speeder Squadron (Fast Attack) @ 160 Pts

 1 Land Speeder Tornado #1 @ [80] Pts
      Multi-Melta; Multi-Melta (x1)

 1 Land Speeder Tornado @ [80] Pts
      Multi-Melta; Multi-Melta (x1)

Too much melta. You’ll only need this is you expect lots of very heavy armor.
At this point, heavy bolters and heavy flamers (for those annoying enemy scouts in cover). Also, with rending, Assault Cannons are great for taking out most armor.

1 Land Speeder Storm (Fast Attack) @ 85 Pts
Assault Cannon
#Cerberus Launcher [0]
#Jamming Beacon [0]

Perfect! Get it where you want the assault troops deep striking to, shoot up the place, drop the scouts, clean house.

So, my “cleaned up” version

HQ: Space Marine Chaplain (1 , 130 pts) Digital Weapons; Melta Bombs; Jump

Troops: Scout Squad (5 , 95 pts)
Scout Squad 4 95
Bolt Pistol (x4); Combat Blade (x4);
Sergeant 1 [30]
Melta Bombs; Bolt Pistol; Power Weapon;

Troops: Scout Squad (10 , 150 pts)
Scout Squad 9 150
Bolt Pistol (x9); Shotgun (x4); Sniper Rifle (x4);
Heavy Bolter w/Hellfire Shells
Sergeant 1 [10]
Bolt Pistol; Combat Blade

Fast Attack: Assault Squad (5 , 135 pts)
Assault Squad 4 135
Bolt Pistol (x4); Chainsword (x4);
Sergeant 1 [63]
Melta Bombs; Bolt Pistol;
Lightning Claws (pair)

Fast Attack: Land Speeder Storm (1 , 85 pts)
Land Speeder Storm 1 85
Unit Type: Vehicle (Open-topped); Unit Type: Vehicle (Skimmer, Fast); Transport Capacity: 5 models;
Cerberus Launcher; Jamming Beacon; Assault Cannon; Deep Strike; Scouts

Fast Attack: Land Speeder Squadron (2 , 150 pts)
Land Speeder
2 150
Heavy Flamer (x1); Multi-Melta (x1); Typhoon Missile Launcher

This is a 750 pt “demo” force, ment to show off some of the special rules (deep strike, assault weapons, templates, scout, etc)

Lord Commissar
+Plasma Pistol
+Power Weapon

Storm troopers
+Bolt pistol
+2 melta guns

Veteran Squad
+sarg: bolt pistol
+sarg: power weapon
+2 flamer
+heavy flamer
+Demolitions doctrine
+Chimera w/autocannon w/Heavy Bolter
+pintle storm bolter

Penal Legion Squad

Sentinel Scout Squadron
+Hunter-killer missle

Leman Russ
+Heavy Flamer
+Sponson Plasma Cannon
+Pintol mounted heavy stubber

Just a force to show off how some rules work (or don’t)

Heh. I just had a thought. It’s an insane thought. And would never in a million years earn back it’s points.

Shrike + Chaplain(with digital weapons) + 10 man Vanguard Vets all with 2x lightning claws.

So. 49 power weapon attacks. On a charge. Rerolling hits and 46 of the possible wounds. Oh and 5 of them rend.

Only you know. 795 points. XFD

For something less outlandish:

Unnamed2000 Pts - Space Marines: Codex Army

1 Shadow Captain Kayvaan Shrike (HQ) @ 195 Pts
#Jump Pack; #Iron Halo; Bolt Pistol; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades
#The Raven’s Talons [0]

9 Assault Squad (Fast Attack) @ 225 Pts
Combat Squads; Bolt Pistol & CCW (x9); Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Jump

 1 Space Marine Sergeant @ [63] Pts
      Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Melta Bombs; Lightning Claws (x2); Jump

1 Space Marine Chaplain (HQ) @ 130 Pts
Jump Pack; Melta Bombs; Bolt Pistol (x1); Crozius Arcanum; Frag Grenades;
Krak Grenades; Rosarius
Digital Weapons [10]

9 Assault Squad (Fast Attack) @ 225 Pts
Combat Squads; Bolt Pistol & CCW (x9); Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Jump

 1 Space Marine Sergeant @ [63] Pts
      Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Melta Bombs; Lightning Claws (x2); Jump

4 Scout Squad (Troops) @ 90 Pts
Bolt Pistol (x4); Combat Blade (x4); Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades

 1 Scout Sergeant @ [38] Pts
      Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Melta Bombs; Combi-Melta (x1)

9 Scout Squad (Troops) @ 227 Pts
Combat Squads; Bolt Pistol (x9); Sniper Rifle (x8); Heavy Bolter
w/Hellfire Rounds (x1); Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Camo Cloaks

 1 Sergeant Telion @ [50] Pts
      Bolt Pistol; Stalker Pattern Bolter; Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades

1 Land Speeder Storm (Fast Attack) @ 65 Pts
#Cerberus Launcher [0]
#Jamming Beacon [0]

1 Whirlwind (Heavy Support) @ 85 Pts
#Searchlight [0]
#Smoke Launchers [0]

1 Dreadnought (Elites) @ 145 Pts
Front Armour: 12; Side Armour: 12; Rear Armour: 10; Missile Launcher;
Twin-linked Lascannon
#Smoke Launchers [0]
#Searchlight [0]

4 Devastator Squad (Heavy Support) @ 220 Pts
Bolt Pistol (x4); Lascannon (x3); Missile Launcher (x1); Frag Grenades;
Krak Grenades

 1 Space Marine Sergeant @ [36] Pts
      Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Combi-Plasma (x1)
      #Signum [0]

9 Tactical Squad (Troops) @ 195 Pts
Combat Squads; Bolt Pistol (x9); Bolter (x7); Heavy Bolter (x1); Plasma
Gun (x1); Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades

 1 Space Marine Sergeant @ [41] Pts
      Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Melta Bombs; Combi-Plasma (x1)

9 Tactical Squad (Troops) @ 195 Pts
Combat Squads; Bolt Pistol (x9); Bolter (x7); Missile Launcher (x1);
Plasma Gun (x1); Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades

 1 Space Marine Sergeant @ [41] Pts
      Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Melta Bombs; Combi-Plasma (x1)

Models in Army: 65

Total Army Cost: 1997

Oh how I love an infantry-heavy Space Marine force. I like your spread of forces. It’s oddly in line with the thematic in how it seems to incorporate a wide variety of what the Emperor’s best have to offer. The only thing that rubs me is that none of the infantry benefits from transports which would make it difficult to move them towards objectives. Then again, I don’t play Space Marines, being more used to having them crush my precious, precious Tyranids, so I could be way off. Still, kudos on what looks like a balanced list.