Warhammer 40K

We don’t need no stinkin transport. We kill motherfrakkers until they’re dead! HOAH!


I’m considering making it even more assault marine heavy with the adition of Korvydae possibly in place of Shrike. So I can take assault marines as troops. =D

Oooor… get the new Blood Angels Codex and go frakin’ wild!

Special bonus: BA’s can field an 11 Dreadnought force.

It does feel hypocritical of me to recommend transport since my army can’t field any… then again, that’s what I hate about my opponents: their transports.

Nah not BA. the IA8 Raven Guard Shadow Captain Koryvdae lets you take Assault Marines as troops. So vanilla space marines with tons of jump pack troops

Well if you’re going to go all ForgeWorld on my arse then that’s just cheating…

It’s all fun and games until 5 warhounds decide to target you.

This is me being mean on twitter to Default Prophet

(begin raw dump from Army Builder)

1495 points

HQ: Primaris Psyker (1#, 70 pts)
. . 1 Primaris Psyker @ 70 pts (Psyker; Unit Type: Infantry; Flak Armour; Refractor Field; Force Weapon; Laspistol; Independent Character; It’s For Your Own Good; Lightning Arc; Nightshroud)

Elite: Storm Trooper Squad (5#, 105 pts)
. . 4 Storm Trooper Squad @ 105 pts (Unit Type: Infantry; Carapace Armour; Krak Grenades; Close Combat Weapon x4; Hot-shot Lasgun x2; Hot-shot Laspistol x4; Meltagun x2; Special Operations)
. . . . 1 Storm Trooper Sergeant (Carapace Armour; Close Combat Weapon; Hot-shot Lasgun x1; Hot-shot Laspistol x1; Krak Grenades)

Elite: Storm Trooper Squad (5#, 105 pts)
. . 4 Storm Trooper Squad @ 105 pts (Unit Type: Infantry; Carapace Armour; Krak Grenades; Close Combat Weapon x4; Hot-shot Lasgun x2; Hot-shot Laspistol x4; Meltagun x2; Special Operations)
. . . . 1 Storm Trooper Sergeant (Carapace Armour; Close Combat Weapon; Hot-shot Lasgun x1; Hot-shot Laspistol x1; Krak Grenades)

Elite: Storm Trooper Squad (5#, 105 pts)
. . 4 Storm Trooper Squad @ 105 pts (Unit Type: Infantry; Carapace Armour; Krak Grenades; Close Combat Weapon x4; Hot-shot Lasgun x2; Hot-shot Laspistol x4; Meltagun x2; Special Operations)
. . . . 1 Storm Trooper Sergeant (Carapace Armour; Close Combat Weapon; Hot-shot Lasgun x1; Hot-shot Laspistol x1; Krak Grenades)

Fast Attack: Valkyrie Assault Carrier Squadron (3#, 310 pts)
. . 1 Valkyrie Assault Carrier Squadron @ 310 pts (Deep Strike; Grav Chute Insertion; Scouts)
. . . . 1 Valkyrie (Extra Armor; Searchlight; Multilaser; Hellstrike Missiles x2; Heavy Bolter Sponsons x2)
. . . . 1 Valkyrie (Extra Armor; Searchlight; Multilaser; Hellstrike Missiles x2)
. . . . 1 Valkyrie (Extra Armor; Searchlight; Multilaser; Hellstrike Missiles x2)

Heavy Support: Leman Russ Squadron (3#, 540 pts)
. . 1 Leman Russ Squadron @ 540 pts
. . . . 1 Leman Russ Punisher (Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank); Punisher Gatling Cannon; Heavy Bolter; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Lumbering Behemoth)
. . . . 1 Leman Russ Punisher (Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank); Punisher Gatling Cannon; Heavy Bolter; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Lumbering Behemoth)
. . . . 1 Leman Russ Punisher (Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank); Punisher Gatling Cannon; Heavy Bolter; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Lumbering Behemoth)

Troops: Veteran Squad (10#, 130 pts)
. . 9 Veteran Squad @ 130 pts (Unit Type: Infantry; Flak Armour; Krak Grenades; Close Combat Weapon x9; Lasgun x6; Demolition Charge; Melta Bombs; Flamer x2; Heavy Flamer; Demolitions)
. . . . 1 Veteran Sergeant (Flak Armour; Krak Grenades; Laspistol; Close Combat Weapon; Melta Bombs)

Troops: Veteran Squad (10#, 130 pts)
. . 9 Veteran Squad @ 130 pts (Unit Type: Infantry; Flak Armour; Krak Grenades; Close Combat Weapon x9; Lasgun x6; Demolition Charge; Melta Bombs; Meltagun x3; Demolitions)
. . . . 1 Veteran Sergeant (Flak Armour; Krak Grenades; Laspistol; Close Combat Weapon; Melta Bombs)

Validation Report:
c-1. File Version: 1.07b For Bug Reports/www.ab40k.org; 1. Guard Regiments: 5th Edition Codex; b-1. Roster Options: Generic Unit, Imperial Armour, Special Characters; a-1. Scenario: Normal Mission
Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules

Total Roster Cost: 1495

Im talking about the Tau.
The good guys?
untainted by chaos and the warp.
driven only for the greater good.
Anime fans 4 life.


I used to run a 2000 point eldar army… never one a single skirmish…
Strategy… not tactics… oh well

“The Greater Good”?
Ever read the last Harry Potter book? “Greater Good” can have some pretty ugly meanings.
These guys are NOT good.

well looking at the situation they are WAY better than anything around them.

The Empire

  • worship a dead psycher as god, pray to make their weapons work, subjugate TRILLIONS of individuals, Tainted by warp travel and the chaos herrisies. - travel through warp
    • Space Marienes- everything above but MORE SO… the Blood Angels are liberal in that each is given 5 MINUTES A DAY that is not planned out for them in service to the emperor, which is used to think of other NEW ways to worship the emperor.


  • Sentient vaguely psychic fungus who live for nothing more than battle - travel through warp


  • They MADE the gods of chaos… yeah- dont travel through warp, but have powerful psychers and used to travel through warp a TON (made the eye of chaos)


  • ummmm its chaos - travel through warp, live in warp


  • Evil and death almost incarnate. slaughter for food. they are just big evil bugs - travel through warp


  • Expansionist, but inclusive (they dont burn the alien, they let them keep their own culture and become part of the society), no psychers, No contact with chaos or the warp in any way.

Just looking at the attributes of their society, im gonna have to side with the tau here.

I brought up on another forum the subject of figuring out which marine chapters don’t worship the BIG E, and the findings were that NO marines actually worship the Emperor. Pay homage-yes, do everything in his name -yes, but worship in the way we (western world Judeo-Christian types) would-no. Now any part of the Imperium that has to pay homage to the Ecclesiarchy has to worship (or be declared heretic by an organization the Emperor would actually hate) or is part of the cult mechanicum (worshiping tech)


  • Sentient vaguely psychic fungus who live for nothing more than battle - travel through warp
  1. these are supposed to be bad guys
  2. Big 40K mystery-who made them and why?


  • They MADE the gods of chaos… yeah- dont travel through warp, but have powerful psychers and used to travel through warp a TON (made the eye of chaos)

They made 1 chaos god. Other races combined (but mostly humanity) made the other 3. They also almost never traveled via the warp in the way everyone else did (think of the webway as underwater tunnels at a shark exhibit-keeps the bad out and everyone in the tunnel nice and dry). The Eye of Horus was made when Slaanesh was born of the Eldar having too much fun (but not their traveling)


  • ummmm its chaos - travel through warp, live in warp

OK-the arguable MOST EVIL group. (the argument against being a group you left off the list-Necrons)


  • Evil and death almost incarnate. slaughter for food. they are just big evil bugs - travel through warp

Not evil, just hungry. Much the same way a shark is hungry when it looks at a person.

…and what do you have against the warp? I’m noticing that as a trend here.


  • Expansionist, but inclusive (they dont burn the alien, they let them keep their own culture and become part of the society), no psychers, No contact with chaos or the warp in any way.

Just looking at the attributes of their society, im gonna have to side with the tau here.

Looks good on the outside, but who are the Etherials anyway? They just show up one day and rewrite Tau culture to fit some concept that they invented. What’s their real ploy? And why are there some septs that actually leave the Tau Empire when separated from Etherials for a long time? What do they know? And what of rumors that the Etherials are some Eldar experiement?

This post brought to you by the Ordo Xenos-stopping alien propoganda one post at a time, with one kill team at a time.


How dare you?! The Tyranids aren’t evil! They’re… hungry. Infinitely hungry.

I’m a huge fan of the Tau and even I have to agree that they aren’t immaculate. A friend of mine once remarked on something about the Greater Good though: “It’s the ‘Greater’ good, not ‘Greatest’. It’s a comparative value. As far as the 40K universe is concerned, the Tau are the Greater Good. Mostly because everyone else is so damned evil. Turns out that in a galaxy where everyone one wants you dead the one group of guys who want to enslave you look a hell of a lot nicer then most.”

Well, just to kick this to the front (and to show off a little)

My scratchbuilt and just painted Warhound…

Looks good