Warehouse 13 3x07 Past Imperfect

Monday, 22 August 2011
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

No glove, no love. hehe

I like Pete’s dig about paying the workers a fair wage.

Oh noes! It’s just like Pulp Fiction! :eek:

Get the Gimp.

middle of nowhere in Wisconsin? but the lady didn’t sound like she was from the middle of nowhere in Wisconsin at all.

Doggie Interrogation time. :eek:

Aw. Dead husband was adorable. :frowning:

Just because she’s in the middle of Wisconsin doesn’t mean she’s from the middle of Wisconsin.

Gunn! :cool:

where do I know that actor from?

From Angel.

YES! now I feel silly for not placing him

Why is Pete yelling “police”?

Maybe he’s been watching a lot of TV at Leena’s?

Is it bad that I find the imprecision of this “experiment” to be frustrating?

No, because frankly it doesn’t make any sense. Pete could just run and jump on the truck once and Micah could stand at the end of the alley and time how long it takes to do it, which would show them there wouldn’t be enough time.

I think it was on purpose. Pete can tell that Myka’s not at the top of her game.

He already knew it was obviously an artifact thing and wanted to let her figure that out.

Clearly one of those agents has the artifact. Greater good and all that crap. :frowning:

I just had a thought. What if the artifact allows him to project a facsimile? That’s why there’s no pulse…and no blood…and no speech. That could explain the alley disappearance.

I think the artifact stops time. Someone stuck the gun in his hand.