Warehouse 13 3x07 Past Imperfect

still a card catalog? oh, Artie. And the way you throw those cards around? ouch.

Hehe Artie and Dog with fezes. :smiley:


…yes someone could take a picture and post it on the internet. LOL!!

“This seems dangerous.”
“Yeah… someone could take a picture and post it on the internet.” :smiley:

Fezes are cool

(wrong franchise :p)

Fezzes are cool. :smiley:

Sounds like you’re on the money

jinx! we’re on a roll!

Excessive drooling!

bwhahahahahaha! :smiley:

so, why has Myka been so out of character? Is it just the Sam thing? Weird.

and also glad that Gunn wasn’t the bad guy

Wow. I am good. :smiley:

Me too. :slight_smile:

“Working at the Car Wash!!”

That was on Eureka’s episode last week.

When Lindsay Wagner was on Alphas and working for CDC, my wife asked, “Is Alphas, Warehouse 13, and Eureka all happening in the same universe?”

I know Eureka and Warehouse 13 are but I’m not sure about Alphas. Anybody?

And speaking of Lindsay Wagner, look at this pimpin’ outfit: