Warehouse 13 3x05 3...2...1

Monday, 8 August 2011
9 PM Eastern/Pacific

HG Wells episode?


Somebody staked the Sherlock Watson dude!

That was… unexpected. :eek:

volcano-causing supervillain

with a fork

tee hee

“…the woman who tried to activate a super-volcano with a giant fork…” :smiley:

Jinx is on personal leave? Hmmm.

Hammie? Do I need to get my hearing checked? It must have been Cammie or Tammie, right?

Must have had a prior acting commitment. :wink: Either that or he needed some time after being out in the field with Claudia.

Poor Helena with her ridiculous brother.

a curiosity has surfaced

me gusta

Mr. Crowley? To thin for Alastair…

He’s got at least two movies coming out this year.

They should have just brought Shawn on instead. :slight_smile:

Ianto! :cool:

Oscar Wilde, and not for lack of trying

love it! I love seeing HG in retro action

yes! I knew I knew that face

Definitely barking up the wrong tree there. :slight_smile:

Well Pete’s not subtle about his emotions, is he. Walking through a hologram strikes me as the worst possible way to disrespect the person represented.

As I’m sure was his intention.