Warehouse 13 3x05 3...2...1

HG’s always been badass

Why do so many men prove to be so untrustworthy?

Well there’s a sand connection

So it’s okay for Helena to use the horn to power her rocket, but it’s not right for Crowley to use artifacts for his personal use? Way to be hypocritical.

so somebody’s built it into a dish - as an amplifier?

An early foray into feminism, perhaps? :slight_smile:

Given the fact that the horn and the rocket are pretty huge phallic symbols, I don’t get a feminist vibe from it… :wink:

Tell that to the cow. :slight_smile:

A man does it, he’s “untrustworthy”. A woman does the exact same thing, she’s “progressive”. Classic “do as I say, not as I do.”

Aren’t the purple nalgene gloves a bit of an anachronism?

Instead of Plan B, how about making Plan A include approach from the side that doesn’t spout instant death?

I would argue that attitude is not really what feminism is about… But I don’t really want to argue. :slight_smile:

Hehe. :slight_smile: Yeah, I’d at least give that a try.

“You can’t catch, because you’re in scary Regents prison, where you belong.” :smiley:

OK, if it vaporizes whatever’s in front of it, why isn’t it blowing the front of that dish off?

Nice to have a friendly “face” around for the frak party, lol.

Not fair. You’re ganging up on me. :stuck_out_tongue:

It selectively vaporizes?

I didn’t take that close a look at it…did it really have a bit out in front of the horn, or was it just around the sides of the horn, bracing it?

Pete saw Contact! one of us!

Hehe! Pete, licking the Farnsworth. :slight_smile: Just the kind of thing people do when they’re alone, and Pete just doesn’t care & does it in public. Surprised they didn’t follow it up with a belch…