Tuesday, August 25, 2009
9 PM Eastern/Pacific
Anyone here tonight or am I frakking alone?
You’d think that the Studio 54 disco ball would be stored closer to the floor.
Just us chickens.
Or in a soft, fluffy box.
“OMG, what’s the BFD?”
Those are kinda matronly heels. Not exactly kittenish, sexy, ya know?
Where is everyone tonight?
Huh. My coworker watched Las Vegas reruns on TNT today, I just finished watching Top Chef: Las Vegas, and now this.
I’m detecting a theme.
I just got here. Trying to catch up with you on the DVR. I should be up to date by the next commercial
I really don’t.
No idea. Could be a zombie apocalypse. I haven’t been outside in a while.
Dun dun dun. That was interesting.
Glad you could make it.
What! Zombie Apocalypse and no one told me.
The living are always the last to know.
mega shark vs. giant octopus?
scott says: “imagine: crap”
And the first to be dead
Lena has a badonk a donk butt like my daughter.
It actually looks relatively entertaining.
Of course, considering the usual Syphilitic crap, that’s a pretty low bar.
OMG “Kirk, Out” how many geek references can one show have. I guess that is what makes this show good