Pretty sad that her friends and coworkers can’t even notice the difference.
Why do they not just get the purple crap to neutralize stuff they’re unsure of like the mirror/reflection? Ya’know, just in case?
It’s a shame it’s not on a channel dedicated to science fiction.
LOL that is funny
For that matter, why even bother with a warehouse? Why not just fill a reservoir with the purple goo and just keep everything submerged in it?
you have a good point
Yay I have caught up with you. Now I am live
laughtrack start laughtrack end
Oh, by the way, I finally got home form work. Hey all.
WOW what a kiss
She plays a good badass.
I hate the “Halloween movie” season. ICK!
Bah. It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
Dayam. She’s got “issues.”
We’re not a very lively bunch tonight, are we?
Nope, I guess we are just watching
Oh yeah the Ghost Plumbers are selling out this season. Meat Loaf come on
Cool music
Love this song.
Definately great music for this bit.
Guess there won’t be any more Pete vs. Pete Ping Pong.
It looks like the Eurika cast is getting some extra cash…