Yep. Or something pretty darned close. I don’t know whether Centurions were built by Greystone Amalgamated (henceforth GA) or non military cylons to do their fighting for them once the revolt was underway. But we’ll have advanced robots on the scene when Caprica starts - has to be.
So we know that Adama becomes incensed over Greystone’s “unscrupulous” methods to recreate his daughter (and Adama’s as well - right?). Something akin to what we see in Razor? If so, why is Bill Adama so surprised to see what he sees going on with the humans in the lab in Razor? Shouldn’t he and others already know that such experiments have occurred.
In any event, the more I think about it, the more sense it seems to make that somehow what Greystone does to recreate his daughter on Caprica leads directly to the nastiness unearthed in Razor. As for the other direction in which the cylons went - leading to the S7, I would not be surprised to find that Greystone’s humanoid creation(s) on Caprica lead down that path - if Sophie or whoever survives (perhaps with the humans believing that she has not).
And none of this throws any sort of a wrench into the plot line of BSG. It would merely provide a (dare I say it, compelling) bridge between the two series.
Remember the line from the Caprica trailer - The end of humanity — had a beginning. That has got to be Greystone’s humanoid experiments - not the mere production of advanced robots, whether they be Centurions or not.