Visit Caprica - where time flies, even if you're at war

Fifty one years before BSG Greystone STARTS his work on “artificial” life. Forty years ago the First Cylon War ends. That means only 11 years pass from the initial work on Cylons until the end of that war - right?

The war had to last for a “few” years. Right?

So it only took fewer than 11 years for the Cylons to go from a glimmer in Greystone’s eye to exist in sufficient numbers, develop and build their own fleet, weapons and army AND get sufficiently ticked off at billions of humans to commence total war? Wow. That stretches the imagination.

I thought the war was 12 years long…

That’s an interesting point. We should maybe take into account the fact that timescale for computers/AI are different than from human beings. 12 years for a human brain might represent centuries if not millenia in machine time.

Also did the Final Five pre-exist the creation of the first “cylon” by Greystone?

If that’s the case (and I have no reason to think otherwise), then The First Cylon War started before Greyston began to develop the Cylons. That would be quite a development. (The space time continuum at last - yes!)

Unless we learn in Caprica that the toasters were already on the scene (built by Greystone Amalgamated) and what Greystone tried to do 51 years ago was “merge” that technology with human life to create skin jobs. Perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised to see toasters clomping around Caprica in the pilot.

Very likely that they - or their forebearers did - being of the 13th Tribe and all.

OK - I have the entire general plot line of Caprica figured out before a single episode airs, based on a one paragaraph synopsis of the new series and some things we know from BSG. Gosh - think of the time I’m going to free up.

  1. The toasters have been around for a while - thanks to Greystone Amalgamated.

  2. Greystone tries to “recreate” his dead daughter by merging toaster technology with human life to create a skin job.

  3. That doesn’t go down well with some people, including Bill Adama’s father.

  4. “They” stop Greystone. “They” pull the plug on his replacement daughter.

  5. That “upsets” Greystone, who has gone totally around the bend.

  6. HE causes the toasters to revolt against their masters and gives them the technology to do so, as a consequence of inferior humans interfering with him playing “god”. (You know, the old “Yes my children, yes,Yes, YEs, YES!!!” - think Plankton’s meglomaniac voice.)


  1. [spoiler]Greystone departs The Colonies with his beloved toasters and on a ship/lab of his own reverts to his skin job creation project. He also turns himself into the OGG that we meet in Razor to forward his work.[/spoiler]

Trite you say? Done before you maintain? Well, I cannot argue against those points. But I’m certain that I’m correct.

Two things:

  1. If skinsjob have been around before Razor, why is there experimenting going on? Or do we retcon that as torture?

  2. About the OGG: how is he having those visions? Or for that matter, what about hybrids in general, why are they having visions? Why do all the humans have visions? And what about god, Baltar, the Lords, the Final Five? What about the Final Five? Who created them? Greystone?

Note my last couple of posts. Greystone may have been in the process of creating skin jobs during the prequel - or perhaps did “recreate” his daughter with “mixed” results and later tried to come up with something “better” by involving humans more directly.

  1. About the OGG: how is he having those visions? Or for that matter, what about hybrids in general, why are they having visions? Why do all the humans have visions? And what about god, Baltar, the Lords, the Final Five? What about the Final Five? Who created them? Greystone?

Knock it off, would ya’.

That would make a certain amount of sense. Maybe in not wanting to see his creations destroyed and not seeing anyone discover his activities, he releases them back into colonial society. But then of course then there is the big age discrepancy between Tigh and the rest of the Tighlons….

Perhaps Tigh was First, then the Larry model guardians broke off and old Greystone saw that the others were created—independently of the Seven?

I guess we just have to wait and see. (or wait for more spoilers to be leaked.)

OT, I think your proposed story line makes a lot of sense… especially if the Final Five weren’t created by him. It makes me think of something an astronomy professor said once in class, that many scientists believe that if there is life outside of our solar system, or at least life we would recognize as such, it would probably be a lot like us because of the conditions required for its creation. So one might think that cylons could be created by Greystone on the Colonies, and somewhere else in the Universe (Earth?) very similar beings also evolved. It’s just something that has been going around in my head for awhile, and it might all turn out to be disproved by other things. But I do think that it is worth considering.

So in summary, I’m considering the idea that the S7 are ‘descendants’ of Greystone and the OGG, as OT proposes. That said, the FF are entirely different yet not, created by another being (God, god-like, etc). And the Lords of Kobol are a red herring? Or they inspired Greystone subtly (or not so subtly) whereas the OneTrueGod did the same for the FF. I know there are huge holes with that (like the whole Six as the Evangelist for OTG), but it might open up new avenues of inquiry.

Or something like that. (That’s a compliment.) The 13th Tribe, when it headed off to Earth to worship their one god, etc., with their 5 priests, whoever/whatever they were, may not have left “cylons” as far behind as when the 12 tribes seemingly revolted against their gods on Kobol and left for what became the Colonies 2,000 years later.

So we have the FF evolving or continuing with the 13th Tribe on Earth and the toasters and S7 “evloving” on the Colonies. I have no good explanation for how/when the FF came to the 12 Colonies. But they may be there (or some of them) as a bulwark against the Cylons created at the Colonies (once again?). They are different, but have some common origins.

The best I have right now is the guess I have offered about how we got the groups of Cylons that originated on the Colonies, including those in Razor.

OT, were you serious about this? Because I love cooking, I can go recipe crazy!

Well - it was meant to illustrate how far afield we often go on these threads. Having said that - what the heck - recipes - why not?

I wonder what swell ways of serving algae the cooks in the RTF have come up with?

I’m sure it’s like tofu. Algae burgers, algae hot dogs, algae salad, algae flavored algae ice cream, algae crackers, algae jerky, algae jell-o…

EDIT: Argh for proving a point. Let me add some on topic stuff too…

What about the seven “original” cylons’ reluctance to talk about the FF? Maybe they’re scared of them for some reason?

I love the direction you are heading OT.

One question…

  1. The toasters have been around for a while - thanks to Greystone Amalgamated.

Is there something you read that states that the centurions are around in Caprica or is that pure speculation on your part? IMO it would make more sense to have the toasters around first and Zoe as the next step in Cylon evolution. I hope what you say is true.

I think it’s implied. It’s also logical that Greystone would create mechanical Cylons before he created skinjobs. He is a robotics designer after all, not a bioengineer.

Cas, not many scientists with expertise in the required areas (evolutionary biology, genetics, biochemistry, palaeontology, exobiology, etc, etc) would agree with your astronomy professor. The concept of ‘convergent evolution’ may apply to certain characteristics, in greatly similar environments, and with fundamentally similar chemistry, but the likelihood of such similarity occurring independently elsewhere in the universe is so minuscule as to be considered zero.

There is simply no chance that if we ever encounter alien intelligence (and this in itself is both a questionable and remote possibility) they will appear as Star Trek / B5 / Star Wars / etc, etc two-legged, two-armed, one-headed human-like creatures. [Incidentally, the extreme similarity between so-called aliens from ‘alien abductions’ and us, is one of the best indicators that these experiences are not in fact aliens. ‘True’ aliens would be vastly more… alien.]

If BSG encounters humanoid ‘aliens’ in the last few episodes I shall be more than upset, more than angry: my wrath will be writ large for all to see.

Guess work. But, the math points in that direction. C is set 51 years before BSG. The 1st cylon war ended 40 years ago. That gives us a mere 11 years between whatever Greystone was up to and the END of the 1st cw. That’s not enough time to go from no cylons of any sort to lots of them serving man to their revolution to them havng a military industrial complex to a war to a truce. Also Starbuccaneer advised that the 1st cw lasted 12 years.

If BSG encounters humanoid ‘aliens’ in the last few episodes I shall be more than upset, more than angry: my wrath will be writ large for all to see.

Don’t sweat it. Not going to happen. At least not in this series.

BTW - just checked the Wiki site and S’buccaneer is right on the money. The 1st cw lasted 12 1/2 years. The writers have painted themselves into a corner, if my math is correct, unless the toasters have already revolted by the start of Caprica. (Is my math correct? It is 51 years and 40 years - right?)

If the war is already under way, then that nixes the idea that the skin job(s) created by Greystone are believed to be destroyed by the humans, but are not, and are involved in prompting the toasters to rise up.