Torchwood 3x05 Children of Earth, Day 5

Join us on Friday July 24th, 9 PM Eastern

Alas i will be missing the show tonight…It seems my cable is out and i was going out to the pub for a Black and Tan…or maybe a Snake bite…anything with Guinness in it…

I hope your weather is better than central FL.

Alright GWCers, time for another uplifting day of Torchwood! :slight_smile:

Well I am here, for the finale of the series.

First time I was in a Frak party everynight

And I might just hit OG status tonight too.

here too! I’m no longer a frak party virgin!!

Win win for you.

Not if I get there first! :wink:

JK, you’ve been on the forum a lot longer than I have – you’ve earned it!

Yup and it only took me 2 years to make it there.

Yup, I was here at the beginning, actually I have been around since pre-forum and about podcast 20

My cable is so bad like the other nights that I am watching it on the computer. I have the TV on but not seeing much. So help me with the add breaks please.

They want to get high off the kids? OMG, you guys have got to be kidding!!!

Badger and I are here now.


The reason the 456 needs the children is really awful, makes their reason for wanting them even worse. I wouldn’t been nearly as bad had they needed them to live or something.

Talk about a bad habit.

Well at this point they should realize that if they give them their 10%, they’re only going to come back for more and more in the future. Which I think would make plan B more appealing, no?

That would put a new spin on human trafficking. <bitter laughter>

I so wouldn’t want to be Gwen - having to tell Ianto’s family.

And Jack - “I can’t look at her anymore” Feeling so much guilt for not only having been a part of it before, but the death of another member of his team who also happens to be his lover, and I believe best friend.

Bad on you.


Wow. That’s rather horrifying. (We’re a bit behind.) Just saw them find out the kids are drugs.