Top Travel Destinations

Well, for me it’s a lot about childhood memories (I know, I know: total clichee). My father was a bit of a workaholic and we only took about three vacations (one of which, renting a beach house for a week, he worked through) while he was still alive, the first of which was an Orlando vacation back when the Magic Kingdom was all there was at Disney World (Epcot was two years off). The summer he died we took a decompression trip up there with the family of a good family friend who died two weeks before (the family that my stepfather hails from, interestingly enough) and it was just enough time that we were able to bond and deal with our collective grief while still taking a break from all our worries (see what I did there?). After that, I returned once with my folks while I was in college and then my girlfriend (who would become my wife) and I drove there for spring break while I was working on my oral comps. in grad school (it was one of those make or break trips. I guess it made our relationship). Whenever I go, I just feel like a little kid again and I LOVE seeing the little ones enjoy it in a way that is just not the same at any other theme park.

I otherwise despise the Disney company. I think they’re rather bloodthirsty leeches who will sell their sainted grandmothers for a buck, but that theme park seems, at least when I’m there, like a nice refuge from that attitude…until you pay the park admission. Sheesh! :rolleyes:

  1. La Habana, Cuba (avoid the beach resorts when possible - it’s kind of like what Armando said about being in a resort in Haiti)

I’m so jealous, Casilda! Cuba is my ancestral home (and I use ancestral loosely. My folks were both born in Cuba) and I would love to visit. I had a chance to go with my mother back in 1999 but couldn’t raise the requisite funds. :frowning:

I live by Cape Canaveral and Disney. I am basically in the middle of the two. So do you think we could get a meet up in Florida and make dreams come true?

I have been all over the U.S. New York, Illinois, California, Colorado, Hawaii, and yes I live in Florida. My father wanted us to see the country and one summer we went from Illinois (we lived outside of Chicago) to Colorado in a big loop hitting around 13 states and many national parks. We drove a big car just like people in the U.S. did when you could fill up your tank for less then ten dollars. :slight_smile: Ok it may have been under five dollars but I do not want to show my age.

All over U.S.
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
The typical islands that you go to on cruses.

Want to go
New Zealand
Africa (I am not sure what country)
Basically anywhere nature still has a chance.

Been around quite a bit but some highlights of my travels.

First off we have Rome. I’ll admit it I’m an architectural slut so Rome was just an experience of a lifetime for me

South Africa, i just love Africa some places after you visit them it changes you on a truly profound way. Africa is that for me.

Okay now to my favorite place on the planet. (So far) the international house of pancakes… no just messing with you. For me heaven on earth is in my home country of Canada. The Canadian Rockies are just indescribably powerful. all i can say is for me; its a near religious experience.

Where I’ve been:

Illinois - Chicago, Metropolis (Superman Museum), well most places in IL since I live there
Kentucky - Louisville, Paducah
Florida - Orlando (DisneyWorld - Magic Kingdom and Epcot, Tittusville - vistited the Space Center, Miami Beach
Georgia - Atlanta
Tennesee - Nashville (Opryland)
Nevada - Las Vegas
Minnesota - Minneapolis
Missouri - St. Louis
Wisconsin - Madison
Indiana - Terra Haute
California - Orange County (Disneyland, Knott’s Berry Farm, Universal Studios), San Diego (Zoo, Seaworld), San Francisco)
Canada - Toronto (LOTR 1st Gathering of the Fellowship con)
Australia - Sydney (climbed the Harbour Bridge), Adelaide (wine country, Flinders Range, beaches down to Port Victoria)

Where I want to visit:

New Zealand
Australia - plenty more to see there :slight_smile:
U.S.A. - plenty more to see here too!

thhhhhppppptt :wink:

If I ever cruise, it will have to be alone. (IYKWIM!) Hubby figures the chances of him being trapped on a sinking ship in the middle of the ocean without enough lifeboats are greatly reduced if he never gets on a ship. I really can’t argue with his logic. :stuck_out_tongue:
Bioshock is enough for him.

Oddly enough, the XO (my wife), who was in the Coast Guard for 13 years, got mildly seasick for a few hours.
I was fine, of course !! :smiley:

Dang I forgot Ireland. Before money was getting short I started a plan to take a train that goes to many of the U.S. national parks. I love nature and my hubby has not seen much of the western U.S. It is like the old style sleeper trains. I still would like to do that. I also would like to go to Canada and Alaska. Those trips are the most likely to happen. I want to go back to Israel since my husband has not gone there. Greece would be wonderful also but money is short so that will have to be sometime in the future. I like to go to anywhere there is history or animals. My parents did a train trip across Canada that sounded wonderful. Alaska is a priority since so much of it is changing.

My parents totally want to do a park tour through Amtrak… unfortunately, my experience of Amtrak in the Midwest was a scenic tour of trailer park Illinois - but I’m definitely a fan of it on the east coast. :slight_smile:

I am so with your husband. Also I get terribly seasick, well motion sick in general. It’s very nerdy of me.

I am really suprised to see how many of you have gone on cruises

Alaska(want to go again)
Central Oregon
New York(Love/hate relationship)
Dont like:
Beaches in general(Dont ask why, I think its the sun :p)
Atlanta(except Dragon*Con)
Want to go:
Boston(Going to Harvard in Feb)
Chiacago(Going in late November)
Munich/Berlin (I wanna visit GR)

Aaaaand now I have the song in my head. :stuck_out_tongue:

What song?

This one :stuck_out_tongue:


I know lots of guys who don’t like the beach. I can’t get enough of it

Strangely enough, despite all my travel—or maybe because of it–I am perfectly content with where I am in New England. However, I would recommend Germany as a place to visit. I just love the German attitude towards life. Every day is a party—literally.

Yeah, Germany was a blast. Everyone was so friendly to me.

Whereas I don’t really like the smell of the ocean, and my partner is like, I want to live near the ocean! Then again, he spent all of his summers on the Pacific when he was a kid, whereas my summers were spent… at home.

My non-geeky boyfriend hates the beach with a passion. He refuses to get out of the car in case some sand gets on him, and he hates the wind in his face.

But like Casilda’s situation, I grew up going to the beach all the time, while he grew up in the country

I’ve been looking at rail packages too. For both the U.S. and Canada. But I want to do trips to the U.K. and Ireland first…and there are rail packages over there too.

Hey now we don’t have that many trailer parks! LOL But I know what you are saying. Pretty boring scenery when all you see out the window is corn or bean fields.