Where I’ve been:
Puerto Rico (that shouldn’t count, though, since I was born and raised there)
Madrid/Santiago/Barcelona/Seville (gorgeous!)
on a 2004 Caribbean Cruise:
Jamaica (not that impressed. Kind of looked like the San Juan suburbs to me)
Labadee, Haiti (I felt really guilty being in a resort town in a country that is starving
and dead broke)
Grand Caiman (flatest place I’ve ever been to. It was weird)
Grand Bahama (beautiful)
Dresden (it was for work and I caught pneumonia while I was there, which limited my
Cannes (when I was 14 that beach was the GREATEST FRAKKIG PLACE ON EARTH)
Paris (probably my favorite place in the world)
New York (shouldn’t count, though, as I went there all the time while I was in grad
Disney World (being the cynic that I am I should hate that place, but I just love going
Guadalajara (kind of whirlwind, though, as it was for my brother’s wedding)
Vegas (wasn’t impressed, but this was almost 20 years ago)
(You know, looking at this list, I’ve been to lots of places. And that’s not counting all of the moving I’ve done since I came to the U.S. 20 years ago. Goram!)
Where I’d like to go:
Disney World (need to take my girls. The oldest was there when she was 4 and loved
it. She keeps asking to go back)
Paris (again, just to spend days and days at the Louvre just staring at the huge pillars
with the Hamurabic Code carved on them…from actual ancient Sumeria. That blows
my mind!)
Jerusalem (kind of a nut for religious history)
China (had a chance to go as a professor’s assistant in grad school and turned it
down. I kick myself to this day)
England (not just London. I have many British friends who just gush about home and I would love to see it…and I’d love to visit the Beatles’ old haunts around Liverpool and London)
Giza (would just love to see those pyramids before I die)
Not a place, but I would love to go whale watching at least once before I download.
Let’s put a GWC round the world cruise together and make all our travel dreams come true!