I just (as in seven minutes before this post) finished watching B5 for the first time. Since mid-December I have been watching the series, one to two episodes a day, sometimes as many as five. It has changed how I view SF. I now see it as an avenue to anything, a way of getting across issues in a way that is just fantastic, there is no other way to put it!
Throughout the series I was amazed at how JMS was able to weave a good story with wonderful social issues like racism, the rule of law, and loyalty just to name a few.
And the end, oh the end. I hope BSG can end that way. I want more, yet I know that more could very well just ruin what has been created. Brilliance, shear brilliance. I suggest this to any and all here on this forum who is reading this. Watch B5. Don’t ask why, just do it. You’ll quickly understand why.