There is Another Sky (next epi)


Has anyone seen the sneak peek video for the next episode called There is Another Sky? I won’t give up any spoilers for those who haven’t seen it, and who enjoy finding out on show day, but it looks like a good episode, seems to set up the path of the series.

The sneak peek video is out there for those interested though.

Yes, I did see this. Cannot wait for the episode on Friday! I’m curious to know how they all ended up in that Boardroom.

Board rooms and meeting rooms of any kind never end well in the BSG universe.

Lets just say He had it half right. In this world Data would be very unhappy. From this fatal flaw the War will be waged.

figures that all our cylon problems will be caused by a pissed off teenage girl. :frowning:

First Five Minutes: OMG WTH

If they start calling Tamara “Neo”,
I’m jumping out the window.

Zoe gives the religion, Tamara gives the ass kicking, and its all held together with Daniels tech

Almost like a trinity…

it is the best episode of Caprica yet. And weirdly, my favorite character Lacy isn’t in this episode at all…

That was an amazing episode! Want. More. Caprica!
New Cap City is like a combination of The Matrix, a 1940s Film Noir and Steam-punk. If you don’t think that is awsome, then GTFO.

Yeah, I missed her too. Zoe was hardly in it either. Still, I like the direction they are taking it in. They won’t be confined just to Caprica and the colonies, they can always “holodeck” into other virtual worlds to keep it fresh and exciting. Music was great as always. I like that Bear brought back the old “Adama and Roslyn” theme.

Also, Tamara totally rocked this episode. I didn’t notice the actress’ performance before, but she was more than awesome, not just because she was kicking ass, but she looked so comfortable in that role in New Cap City. I guess knowing that you are immortal can do that to you.

Enjoyed the episode as well.

Anybody else reminded of Sin City whilst watching New Cap City? Anyone:confused:

Got chills hearing that theme.:cool:

I really liked this episode as well, partly because it was unexpected for me that Tamara would get a big story, and it makes me wonder if she will play a much more instrumental part in the new beginnings of the Cylon race, perhaps as important as Zoe does. But anyway, finally an Adama story I can sink my teeth into. (Other than awesome Sam, I find myself usually the least interested in the Adama story compared to the others. With Tamara, not anymore!). I’m still not too enthused about Joseph Adama, who’s basically my least favorite Adama of the bunch. I don’t know. I know I’m supposed to feel for his conflicted self and how hard it must be to deal with everything he’s gone and is going through, but I can’t help but think: what a useless sap. But at least the other Adamas are awesome!

While I’m loving all the intriguing notions that Caprica brings up each week, I do think the show is somewhat disjointed in that we have three big plots (The Greystones, The Adamas, and Lacy/Sister Clarice/STO) that don’t really connect. But I guess I will have my mind blown when they do eventually come together.

And I definitely got the Sin City aethestic with the sepia-ish tones and the deco style in New Cap City, though storywise I did think of Neo and The Matrix immdiately upon watching Tamara kick some major ass.

BTW, does this mean the Zoe avatar could also do the same things as Tamara’s avatar? Since both are basically code written into the vworld and existed outside of their real selves with holobands.

This is easily my favorite episode as well. I hadn’t thought about Zoe being immortal and powerful in the V-World like Tamara, that is an interesting question. My thought right now is that since she is tied to an actual body (even if it is a cylon) she has to jack in wirelessly, so if she were killed in V-World it would kick her out like anyone else. I guess we’ll have to wait and see where the show takes us.

I thought this was a fantastic episode, and really begins to provide some fodder for explaining (at least allowing speculation) where the series and mythology is going.

The wife and I had to pause midway though just to discuss the implications of avatars such as Zoe or Tamara inhabiting Cylons (this episode should have been named ‘Sympathy for the Larrys’). Both Tamara and Zoe have self images that they are real people; a point made in the previous episode at first to comic effect but in retrospect quite poignantly when the Zoebot dances with technician. I’m currently speculating that once Daniel learns of Tamara and Zoe he will realize that he can make avatars at will from the collected records of real people, and then download them to make functioning Cylons. Clearly these avatars will not take to kindly to being considered slaves. The issue will be why won’t he know or not care that the avatars think they are real? Also, it now is perfectly clear why the Cylons will have the fascination with creating Skinjobs.

I was initially surprised by the pilot episode, because I didn’t think we’d get to a functioning Cylon robot that soon. By now I see that the real issue is creating the multiple avatars to inhabit the eventual Cylon army. This show is rapidly becoming very interesting.

Any I must say my participation in the GWC community really enhances my enjoyment of Caprica. I think my appreciation of the episode was really helped by the great discussions of the Matrix trilogy from a couple of years ago. It sounds like I need to eventually read Ender’s Game too…

I wonder how much damage Tamara can take.
Like would she “die” if she got shot enough?
Or is she basically indestructible and even of blown into a million pieces would she come back together like a liquid terminator?

There is another sky … walk … errrrr …

There is another sky … walk … errrrr …

Yes, there was another,
but he got burnt up, stuck in a suit, and turned into James Earl Jones.


I’ll tell you what I liked about this episode. I agree with all the comments thus far, but what really interested me was Daniel’s plea to his board. The notion about how they lose money on the holoband because of hackers interests me because it parallels what we see going on now with the internet and online ownership rights.

I went to a writer’s conference in November and one of the speakers said, “If you put material on the internet, understand that it is no longer yours.” A lot of people gasped, but I get what he was saying. The new media is all about redistribution. I read your blog, comment about it on my blog, make a music video using her song, and so on. So I’m curious to see where things will go on Caprica because there is no hint of anything like the holoband on BSG, so I wonder if the tech will be taken away by the government or something, which would be interesting. Could something like that be why Tom Zarek did the things he did? Did the Colonial government go to far?

I really expected this show to feel so much more retro with their tech and society because we always think of the past as being behind us in every way. Perhaps, in the BSG universe, the past was more advanced and the shift in the future was to be more oppressive/less technologically dependent.