There is Another Sky (next epi)

Yeah, I also had the same thot while that scene was on.

Maybe the 1st Cylon war did have the effects that technology was regressing. Reminds me of the technological swift from the Prequel to the Original Trilogy.

I’m currently speculating that once Daniel learns of Tamara and Zoe he will realize that he can make avatars at will from the collected records of real people, and then download them to make functioning Cylons. Clearly these avatars will not take to kindly to being considered slaves. The issue will be why won’t he know or not care that the avatars think they are real? Also, it now is perfectly clear why the Cylons will have the fascination with creating Skinjobs.

I think you just nailed it! Crap, now I don’t have to watch the rest of the series! (kidding).
Seriously though, that makes a lot of sense. If all of the Larrys are based on real people, or a real person, it’s understandable why the revolted so quickly.

I really expected this show to feel so much more retro with their tech and society because we always think of the past as being behind us in every way. Perhaps, in the BSG universe, the past was more advanced and the shift in the future was to be more oppressive/less technologically dependent.

One theory I had which I think I posted somewhere else was that durring or before the first Cylon war there was a huge societal backlash against advanced technology because of the Cylon(z). Also, how popular is the holoband going to be when it starts getting labeled “From the Makers of the Cylon! (who we are now at war with)”.

awesome… makes total sense. of course, it doesn’t have to be Daniel that realizes it. but any permutation of this can lead to spectacular disaster…

a bunch of angsty teens running around as robot soldiers… fail x 1000000000000

And at the end of Battlestar, they had Anders drive all their tech into the sun! Including the coffee pot and the toilet.

Total tech regression.

Remember also that all the human technology that we ever saw in BSG was basically what they had on them at the time. Consider how technologically advanced we would seem if we all started wandering in the wilderness with whatever we had in our pockets when the unexpected end of our society came. Without the proper chargers or infrastructure, would any of it even work? And for how long?

Heh. Good point. I also wonder if that holoband network will somehow become part of the Cylons themselves, sort of like how Skynet is integrated into all Terminators at some level. If it’s related to the STO’s idea of apotheosis, maybe everyone in the network will be Cylons.

Yeah. That’s what I was thinking. Then again, I was wrong a bunch about the final cylon. There is proof, here.

How many of you were waiting for the boardroom scene to end up like the ed209 scene from Robocop!?

I have always felt that the holoband is the place where six says the cylons go in their mind while they are walking around in the ugly ship!

You know, that actually did run through my mind. Ever so briefly, I thot that Greystone was going to “fire” the whole board.

Just one of the things people get annoyed about in the finale. I get that the general idea was that they wanted to assimilate with the locals, but it was just stupid to burn everything they had (and sacrificing Anders in the process!) for that one reason. They could have hidden it or something, save it for a a rainy day. Hell, what if there was a stray Cavil ship who was behind, had no idea what happened and only now caught up? They’d be dead meat, along with the locals. It’s also foolish to believe that every single person in the fleet would follow suit and not use their knowledge to create technology that would be ahead of the locals - like a toilet, or coffee. :smiley:

I would have even liked it more if the epilogue was a bunch of people in our future discovering Galactica in a dig site or something - which suggests that the crew/cylons are our ancesters rather than have it blatantly thrown in our faces like it was. (Though, I prefer not to have any epilogue at all!) But anyway, back to CAPRICA. :smiley:

That boardroom scene (or the aesthetic of) actually kind of reminded me of Bladerunner in that room where they test possible replicants.

And oooh, I haven’t thought of that at all. The Cylons did depend on holoband tech in their spaceships. And the way how Zoebot hacked her holoband so she could connect without using the band on her robot face would be the first step into making the tech functional without using the band.

loved the show

How many of you were waiting for the boardroom scene to end up like the ed209 scene from Robocop!?

I was thinking about that too! Don’t know if it was intentional or not.

I guess another parallel showing the link between the holoband and Cylon tech is the visual they used to show the scene switching to the holoband world. Probably not coincidentally it was very reminiscent of the visualization of cylon downloading…

I don’t know… I thought the writers did a great job with Anders. The ramifications of having that technology around were too devastating to be allowed to happen. They realized they had to rid themselves of it and live a “pure” life with the indigenous humans. Anders was uniquely qualified for this purpose.

I think Badger’s comments are spot on here. I seems like it would be a hard sell to get rid of their technology, but their technology was pretty much failing already. The Galactica was in no position to repel any type of attack and without its ability to convert tillium in to energy, I bet their lower level tech (computers, light weapons manufacturing, food production etc.) wasn’t going to last long anyway. Why try to cling to their dying methods, when a better solution was to do what obviously was already working for the humans already living on the planet. Also, remember it was the nuclear explosion that eventually lead the Cylons to find New Caprica in the first place. It was probably best to avoid sending out radio signals or other tech signatures to attract any unwanted attention. Hey, it must have worked, we’re here. :wink:

Also… Willie Adama jumping the kid at the creek, That is something I totaly see Bill Adama doing!

I have always been thankful that Bill Adama isn’t Picard or Loren Green! He’s the guy that beats the chief to death in a boxing match, partly as a teaching tool… but mostly because he is a very flawed individual who was hurting inside and it made him feel better!

him jumping that kid was dead on. Bill is a short man. I have found that short dudes ususally have to bring it, cause if they don’t they get trounced. Every time we have seen the opprotunity… Bill brought it and then some. This was no different.

I really hope we don’t get too much “forest gump”-isms from bsg in Caprica. I am fine with it being a story doesn’t require ( and maybe isn’t even helped) a viewing of the BSG series to enjoy it’s storytelling. I am not ready next week Helo’s granddad is in the holoband with a program that eventualy becomes Athena… or The Starbuck mom thing…

I like to think that this is JUST the story of how the Larry’s came to be and that BSG lore keeps it’s own seperate related mythos. I want to respect this as it’s own series… not a true-prequal that answers the questions of Starbucks dad,
and Tighs hair… or why Helana Cain doesn’t have dirty Tauron tats!

Is this a real thing you heard of or just a fear?

She could have had one where we didnt see :wink:

you know the colonials are in trouble when the last two military leaders are Tauron and decides to settle things the Tauron way…

there should be a thread… Who is the better Tauron, Adama or Cain…

Where Adama learned the Tauron ways from his uncle in the Tauron mob, and Cain learned… well, on Tauron.

I’ve been obsessing over this since you posted it.

This is a fear - but truthfully, I wouldn’t be surprised after “the Plan” if they tried to do something like that. My faith in RDM makes me almost sure they willnot… but is still a real fear.

I would be all about it if they gave us a pic make sure she wasn’t all nasty tated up! Lol! I LOVE Cain. I know I am not suposed to… but I do and always have! Even when she was doing Helo and the chief wrong… I was hopeing that they could get over that and keep her around for a whole season or have the pegasus crew out there as a returning villians.

Seriously I think of her as being the kind of person that was from Tauron and her parents were probably successful normal preppie Taurons. I bet the tat thing is really more of a ganster, poor, skanky Taron kinda thing. Like the normal people that grow up to be admirals, bankers, lawyers ( Look at Joe Adama!) and doctors aren’t tat’d up. I think Thomas was born to a lower class and has worked his way up… but once again, the kind of people that grow up to be admirals probably come from better familys than he.


Cain’s family might have lived on Tauron because he parents were stationed there… and she is culturaly Caprican… god, there are many possibilities… the most probable is the the Tat thing hadn’t been invented by the time Razor was filmed!!!

I’m thinking that not all Taurians have tats, just like not all Earth people have tats, tho we do have similar customs They tattoo people for different meanings/identification and we tattoo our strippers for easy identification.