The West Wing S2E03--The Midterms

With the midterm elections coming up, Toby looks for a way to stop hate groups; Charlie and Zoey decide whether to continue their relationship; President Bartlet discovers the egg cream and is concerned about an ultra-right-wing candidate running for school board in his old district in New Hampshire; and Sam is asked to put White House help behind an old friend running for Congress. This episode includes the President’s confrontation with a right-wing radio talk show host using a famous list of modern applications of Biblical laws.

“One last thing: While you may be mistaking this for your monthly meeting of the Ignorant Tight-Ass Club, in this building, when the President stands, nobody sits.”



DM me on Twitter when you can, Thot. I hope all is well

Hi Kimmeh,
If it’s Tuesday morning and you’re reading this, I should be ready to start at the usual 8:30 am.

I am ready freddie.

Play!! “The Theory of Everything” “Is It Comprehensive” Love you CJ

Hehehe she’s awesome :stuck_out_tongue:

That was classic walk and talk CJ.

School board race is pretty important in my NH town. There was danger of a religious zealot dude getting in there. That would have been dad.

Yeah that would’ve been very very dad. :stuck_out_tongue: Yay democracy!

Ack. Pls pause. My screen has locked up while Toby and Sam are talking.

Actually I was glad for the pause. I got a short phone call but now I’m ready when you are.


This is driving me nuts. I’m switching computers. Give me just a sec

No problememo

Time check

16 min. Toby and Sam walk and talk

(nothing going on a twitter btw :wink: )

Hehehehe! Thx I needed that. I’m almost ready, hun. Thanks for being so patient.

Ok it’s FINALLY streaming now. Ready when you are. :slight_smile:

Ready, Set. Gooo!