The West Wing S1E06--Mr. Willis of Ohio

“I met an unusual man. . . . He didn’t walk in with a political agenda. He didn’t walk in with his mind made up. He genuinely wanted to do what he thought was best. He didn’t mind saying the words ‘I don’t know.’”

If we do this one this morning, we might as well use this thread

“The Wet Wing”?!?!?! You watching porn Kim!?!?! :smiley:

Aaron Sorkin porn would be tricky. How could they have those fast-moving conversations if their mouths were full all the time?

Ready for 9 am this morn. Let’s Wet this thing. :slight_smile:

Hahaha. I’ll fix it. :stuck_out_tongue:

We are go!!!

Oh wow they all suck at poker :smiley:

I guess it was only in the first season that they did theses casual get together with the President. basketball , poker game etc

"Come on Princeton. We got dwindle. We got dwarf. "
What about DWEEB?!

so was Bartlett distracting toby so he wouldn"t fold?

You’d think they’d close the drapes at times like these.

dweeb might be slang

huh. good point

Absolutely. They’ve already established that Pres Bartlet is a cheater. :cool:

I guesssing just like CJ’s lack of detailed knowledge of the census, there most be a ton of things that even very smart White West staff constantly have to learn

Yeah, if I was President and they told me me kid was target of an attack I would freak

Lettuce Genetisist. we need these

The complexities of every major issue that these staffers deal with is mind-boggling. So many wide-ranging issues. These jobs aren’t for the faint of heart.

Say what want about Rob Lowe but he’s really beleivable as smart guy with quick mind