The West Wing S1E06--Mr. Willis of Ohio

Mallory and zoe being total girls

“Adding the WHOLE number of free persons”. Clearly arcane.

They clearly took advantage Mr. Willis’ political naïveté. But at least Toby owned up to it.

Really horrific to think about the big fat dark spot on America’s history that is our blantant racsism. It took almost 100 yrs just to outlaw slavery

I dont know why, but this ep is making me think of Rep Gabby Giffords resigning today.

Gah, theis scene with Leo and Bartlett talking about Jenny. Heatbraking

Oh Mr. President. It’s too late for marriage counseling.

Omigosh the bar scene! I LOVE this scene. :smiley:

And as evidenced by these dickheads, the after-effects are still around. :frowning:

cassandra. lol. that’s my kids nam

Awesome to se douchebags like these bar rednecks get nailed

Someday we will have a black president and everything will change

two haunting foreshadows about this scene with Pres and Zoe

  1. President DOES get shot end of this season

  2. Zoe does get kiddnapped latter in the series


The nightmare scenario. :eek: I remembered this scene when the Zoe graduation episodes aired. That was such an amazing payoff. I love this show.

Indeed. Ever listen to the audio commentary on the Zoe graduation episode? Good stuff

“Mr. Willis of Ohio votes yea.” dusty in here.

enjoyed that as always, Kimmeh. Sorry I can only do the one ep today

I haven’t listened to any of the commentaries. I’ll remedy that immediately.

Im telling ya. that is the brilliant format of West Wing: The entire ep sets you up perfectly to have a lump in your throat in the last 5 min. And EVERY ep is like that.

Great ep. Great frak, as usual. Tomorrow at 8?

The commentary on Bartlett for America has John Spencer and he gets very emotional at the end because he like his character suffered from alcoholism

8 is probably fine. I’ll let you know if that changes.