The West Wing---from the beginning

Grab your DVDs and join us for our weekday morning rewatches of The West Wing. Whether you’re new to the “walk and talk”, or have already spent countless hours with POTUS and the gang, let’s enjoy this Emmy-winning drama together! :smiley:

Me and SeelixSeesAll are gonna start at 9 am. Join us if you can!

I like to re-watch the west wing every so often. I’m not quite ready for another one just yet, but I’m sure I can catch up if I want to do so in the near future. It is so easy to watch, especially for a 45min show. You can burn through the episodes really quickly.


Dewars Rocks is my drink too!!

CJ is just so lovable from her very first scene here in the series!!

It’s been at least two years since I’ve watched WW. I’ve missed these characters.

OMG CJ! :smiley: fail

Lori is pretty damn sexy

Of all of these first impressions, Toby’s is the most insighful. That snarkjy, smartass “I know more than you” attitude is true Toby from beginning to end. Love it

I’m having a mental block…Lori is Cutty on House right?

I was thinking about that. It’s consistent with where his character ends up at the end of the series: The military space shuttle leak

I’m not a House watcher, but yeah I think so. she’s hot

“Your president’s a geek” LOL!!

She was hot then and hot now. But CJ is my true love

“Sudden arborial stop” LMAO!

Donna and Josh---- Chemistry from the start!!!

“Donna, close the door.” SQUEEEE! :smiley:

Josh “Al Coldwell’s friends are bad people”. We don’t know the depth of that until the end when Barlett talks about his granddaughter.

(I watched this ep yesterday…I could watch it over and over :slight_smile: )

“Is that the same suit you wore yesterday?” “Yeah. You?” “Yeah” LOL!

Mandy in a beret. Holy crap just noticed that. Thank the gods she’s not wearing a blue dress

Woah!! Lewinsky burn!!