The Vampire Diaries 1x01 Pilot

Thursday, September 10, 2009
8 PM Eastern/Pacific

Not sure that anyone else was interested in this, but with Supernatural coming up, I figured I’d give it a shot. Boone from Lost is in this, as well as Steve McQueen’s grandson.

Well, they’ll be missed. :slight_smile:

I’ll check it out…I guess. Prolly gonna be flipping to football though.

Jedi mind trick/Vampire Glamor action, good decision. Them being around during the day time…not a good decision.

But… but… Lucifer is coming!!! :eek:

I’ve never read the book(s), but I don’t think it’s too clear yet what their daytime proclivities are.

No, Vampire Diaries I’m checking out between football. I’m watching Supernatural, can’t frakkin wait.

Lol fog, wtf is up with these birds

He’s not hanging out in the cemetery; he’s visiting family.

Nice. :smiley:

I vant to suck your blud mwahahahahahaha Lol

OK, the “game face” effect is very cool.

Otherwise, so far, this is Twilight. :frowning:

Hmm, he has to be invited. Good, good…

Yeah…I don’t know if I can accept daylight walking even if everything else is kosher

Absolutely love this song though

I’ve seen this actor in other things. He’s not too bad, but I’m not sure he’s got the gravitas to pull off the whole “young but ancient” thing…

Maybe they’re weakened somehow, or they can’t be in direct sunlight (which we haven’t seen so far).

Eh he’s been okay so far. Did you happen to catch any lyrics of that song right before the commercial, I thought I did but I’m having trouble finding the song title

Oh I like that civil war knowledge smack down, dunno if I like that he was you know alive during it like Vampire Bill. I’d rather him being revolutionary war tbh

Enhanced hearing. That’s three checks for it so far

I didn’t. No idea.