#58. If only Baltar sees/hears you, reconsider your existence.
#59. If Tigh comes after you with that hungry look in his eye, take off the platinum blonde wig. Like NOW.
#60. Bring your own pliers.
#61. Yes, in fact, Cottle does mind.
#62. No photon torpedoes. We got nukes.
#63. I was going to make a crack about how between Tory and Dualla it’s hard to find a good babysitter these days, but I’m still in mourning and shall show respect for the dead.
- Zarek’s relationship to power is like a faulty light switch: almost on, off, almost on, off, on briefly, off …
- If you are looking to stay alive or need a wireless, follow Baltar.
- If Baltar looks a little to much like John Smith, stay away from the 15 yr olds.
- If Starbuck is staying Cool, “The Shit Has Hit The FAN!”
- If an Actor and/or Actress calls the GWC, their going to bite the bullet.
- If the Women around you are killing people or offing themselves you might be Gaeta, so check to see if you have two legs.
- BSG Poker: Two Old Men with guts beat Two Young Men with guns.
on Galactica are the toughest–even under direct fire they keep steering
- Touching things on Erf gives you flashbacks. (Touching “Erfenware” things gives you flashbacks?)
- If someone says “Take a seat”, politely refuse and back away to the nearest hatch.
- If someone offers you their pen, kindly refuse.
This still makes me laugh. Very sick, but funny.
Starbuck has a blue dress in her locker.
Don’t dare to swipe Romo’s sunglasses. He’ll take offense.
This has happened before. This will happen again.
- Humans like to cut corners.
Nice one!
- Don’t let the PC guy do brain surgery. You’ll get the dreaded blue screen of death and have to reboot.
- Cylons apparently run on Windows Vista.
- Cavil doesn’t like gelatin.
- Algae coffee sucks.
The best ways to deal with a crisis are to shave or brush your teeth.
If you sense your business deal is going south, throw in Baltar.
- Floor or table. It doesn’t matter to Ellen.
- It doesn’t matter how well you’ve looked after your group, if Baltar comes back, he’ll find some way to belittle you. And get guns.
- Even doc Cottle has a better sense of humer then Baltar.
- Chief Tori’d her a new one.
- Doc Cottle smokes Algae
- Laura smokes anything
- Airlocks can be effective negotiating tools.
- Even when running low on food, toothpaste and water, there will always be enough booze.
- If you wake up one day itching and smell of cabbage, stay away from Chief.