The Ref 12/19 @ 10 PM ET

Sunday, 19 December 2010
10 PM Eastern - 7 PM Pacific
(Calculate Time Zone)

“You know what I’m going to get you next Christmas, Mom? A
big wooden cross, so that every time you feel unappreciated
for your sacrifices, you can climb on up and nail yourself to it.”

I don’t know what it is about dysfunctional holiday family comedies that just hits me where I live :smiley:

or where I used to live, anyway :smiley:

I just appreciate the Jerry Springer action without the rednecks. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s a pretty town, at least.

and without the chanting. I hate the chanting :slight_smile:

it is that :slight_smile: but as Xer01 said on Skype today, “Snow is for places you visit”

(we missed you, btw)

how did Dr Wong get a practice going in this whitebread town?

gods, I hate Judy Davis for the the first half of this movie

sigh Crazy lizard people… :rolleyes:

(we missed you, btw)

Aw, that’s sweet. :slight_smile:

We were so frakkin’ busy today with the cookies. I’m wiped out.

He’s the only Asian in town. Obviously he’s smarter than everyone else. :slight_smile:

The cat piss trap is batshit crazy. :eek:

a security system armed with cat piss (and sound effects!). seems wackadoodle to me

Neither of them is a particularly pleasant person.

“F@*k you!” well at least they can agree on something

Who designed this system? The kid from Home Alone? :eek:

my sympathies are far more on Lloyd’s side than on Caroline’s

he couldn’t really count on his movie career, now could he? :eek:

Even after meeting his shrewish mother?

this is sort of the complete antithesis of what we frakked last night, no?

especially after meeting his shrewish mother! although one could argue he should have seen the light about mom way before meeting Gus

I don’t know, some of those rich folk looked like muppets to me. :rolleyes: