Do pirates absorb greenhouse gasses?
Do you wonder what the English would think of this metaphor? :eek:
Given the pirate diet, don’t you think its more likely that they produce green house gasses?
Perhaps their habit of burying booty acts as a carbon sink?
So “burying booty” is what they’re calling it these days?
Wouldn’t that depend on how you do it?
That’s no longer true: piracy has been on the rise lately. I think we need to look into a midget connection…
Doesn’t it look like he could produce quite a lot of green house gas for a little guy?
Or could he be cutting down the trees?
Hell, beavers are even smaller than midjets and they fell a lot of wood.
Yeah, it’s low, slow, and over the plate.
could it be bunnies?
Does that mean that global warming is all a lie? :eek:
What if it’s witches?
don’t you know that witches, they were persecuted?
How did you find out about my embarrassing, true, IRL fear of bunny rabbits? Eep.
How can we calculate the damage these lies have on the youth of the world?
have you heard some of the things their parents tell them?
Brilliant! Why wasn’t this thought of before?
Can we identify them by their purple eyes?
Unfortunately yes. How can they do that to their kids?
Do you think we have repeated any questions in all these posts?
are you a vengeance demon?
when did starfleet start using those purple uniforms? why the change? not enough budget for more colored fabric? or does it take more colored fabric to make the colored undershirts?