The Princess Bride 6/27 @ 10 PM ET

This one took a bit of deductive reasoning. I think Quiznos only handle the dreadfully obvious reveals.

O. M. Gs. you, my dear, need some help :smiley:

or the ones that involve lesbians

Yeah, I know. It’s a problem. :smiley:

I guess they know their target market well.

speaking of which, I saw a “we’re changing our name to Sy Fy” promo today. morons

that is one big frakkin crown

That is a humongous crown on Queen Buttercup. I’d think a smaller, more subtle tiara would go nicely her complexion.

Even between just two of us, we can’t avoid the hive mind.

the hive mind is inescapable :smiley:

Step 1: Cancel shows that your loyal fanbase love, and replace them with 4th different movie involving big snake or killer bees or something.
Step 2: Confuse your fanbase by changing your branding into something that is a mockery of your fanbase.
Step 3: …
Step 4: Profit.

It’s a winning strategy.

Waterboarding machine, powered by green energy. Dick will be proud.

Fezzik’s hang-over soup looks suspiciously like Dinty Moore’s beef stew. Mmm… beef stew.

(I know, I know. I have a problem…)

LOL! I was listening to the audiobook of Dune (from our podcast sponsor Audible, of course :)) and they pronounce one of the characters’ names like our illustrious, paranoid, evil former vice president’s surname. it’s very distracting

It is a tale of imperialistic conquest of a desert-dwelling nomadic tribe with proud history, blessed with vital natural resource, by a galactic superpower armed with nukes. Clearly, Dick Cheney has no place in this story.

oh my. pretty blatant when you put it that way, isn’t it?

Also, the desert people’s history and language are based largely on Arabic culture and language. Mujahadeen, jihad, etc…

The scene between Valerie and Miracle Max… the second best scene in the movie? After battle of wits? Or third best, after Inigo vs. six-fingered man?

Billy Crystal & Carol Kane’s makeup is so incredible. I didn’t recognize them the first time I saw this

Let me explain… no, there’s too much. Let me sum up.