The Official Pet Peeve Thread

You don’t happen to have a website with your music, or anything, do you Armando? It would be cool to hear it! From the sound of it, likely not!

Funny you should mention that: it went live about 24 hours ago. I put a link up in the cool craaaaap thread but the url is I don’t have any audio up yet, but I should be putting some stuff up in the next couple of weeks (alas, only clips. If you want to hear some full length things online you’ll need to search for me at the American Music Center [] or click on the link to my My Space page on my web site). :slight_smile:

I sincerely hope that you are trying to tell us that you talk at the theater, and not, you know, that other thing.

Actually, I do neither of those things. So I guess I’m just going to normal hell.

You mean, taking the innocence of a woman pretending to be his wife?

“I feel trapped.”

Let me elaborate. I have recently discovered that the city of Seattle doesn’t snowplow the streets, nor does it apply salt, gravel and other de-icers to keep its steep hilly streets from turning into solid sheets of ice. No, the city of Seattle has a different strategy when it comes to dealing with sudden snow storm: shut down all hilly streets until it gets warm enough and the ice melts away naturally.

I live on a block that is surrounded on all four side with steep hilly streets. As a result, this is my current tactical situation:

Like I said, I’m trapped.

I’ve been told not to bother come into work tomorrow, since no one else will make it in either. Which means I have the entire next week off. And that’s a good thing, since I have no way of getting out of my home.

Every business within walking distance is closed. In fact, almost the entire city is close. Every grocery store I’ve called is closed due to the snow storm. No one delivers, so I can’t even order pizza. For the next 3 days, at least, I have to subsist on whatever is in my cupboard and fridge.

I have very little food, but I have a ton of cereal and instant noodles. But I do have 6 bottles of very good champagnes and wines. It’s going to be an interesting few days. Wish me luck.

This is Joker to Scotchy McGee. Making the dropoff to DeathbyTray now. Please confirm care package contains: algae burgers, ambrosia, cookies, and one non-skeevy Number 8.

Can’t you just get out through the underground lair?

Sounds like the beginning of an excellent murder mystery. I just can’t figure out how your name will figure into the climax. Will it be “Death by Mr. Tray” or “Death by a tray”? Perhaps to confuse everyone it could be both or throw is a twist where you were dead the whole time? :eek:

If things get bad let us know and we will get Dharma to make a drop in your area. I think Emily has some connections. :wink:

Good luck buddy!

Gods, that really sucks! You could go out there with your flare gun and hope that a helicopter spots you.

It’s like Hurricane Katrina but with snow…well, ok…maybe lacking the dead bodies and the disease, but you get the idea…people trapped in their houses, running out of supplies. Oh forget it…

At least it’ll take few months before he starts stinking up the neighborhood. :smiley:

…dogs and cats living together. TOTAL ANARCHY!

(I shouldn’t make light. I can’t imagine being trapped in my house with dwindling supplies. That has got to be seriously sucky and scary.)

See this why Canadians make fun of Americans.

Enjoy it man the streets are closed down, hilly streets at that. its time for some sledding, snow men. street hockey, and snow ball fights. and like you said noodles and champagne sounds like a good day to me.

To be fair…it’s not all Americans…it’s those tree-huggers in the Pacific Northwest that won’t use salt/chemical de-icers. Here in PA, we’ve got big ol’ stockpiles of salt, just waiting for storms like this. We laugh at storms like the kind Seattle just got. We probably wouldn’t have missed school for it. Well, ok, perhaps we would have had a 2-hour delay. Businesses shut down, though? No frickin’ way! Life moves on. If Seattle and Portland continue to get storms like this, they may have to re-stratgerize how they handle them. Shutting a whole major city down for days isn’t really feasible.

I don’t know…kind of sounds like my college days to me.

See…this sounds like college to me. Par-tay at DBT’s place! When life gives you street closures, you make romen noodle champagne punch! :smiley:

This is time to meet the people on the street. You bring the champagne they have some sandwiches. You all have fun and everyone has food. I feel sorry for anyone who does not have power. Now that would be a real problem.

Does anyone have a sled and a dog? They could go run for supplies.

are you attempting to initiate a barf-o-rama?


Yikes. Well, you’ve got 4 of the food groups at least:

  1. Ceral
  2. Noodles.
  3. Very Good Champagne
  4. Very Good Wine.

Doesn’t sound too bad.
Seriously though—Your situation seems so strange to me cuz I live in an area were dealing with snow—lots of snow—in the winter is routine. It’s hard for me to imagine a northern city that doesn’t do snowplowing.