“I feel trapped.”
Let me elaborate. I have recently discovered that the city of Seattle doesn’t snowplow the streets, nor does it apply salt, gravel and other de-icers to keep its steep hilly streets from turning into solid sheets of ice. No, the city of Seattle has a different strategy when it comes to dealing with sudden snow storm: shut down all hilly streets until it gets warm enough and the ice melts away naturally.
I live on a block that is surrounded on all four side with steep hilly streets. As a result, this is my current tactical situation:

Like I said, I’m trapped.
I’ve been told not to bother come into work tomorrow, since no one else will make it in either. Which means I have the entire next week off. And that’s a good thing, since I have no way of getting out of my home.
Every business within walking distance is closed. In fact, almost the entire city is close. Every grocery store I’ve called is closed due to the snow storm. No one delivers, so I can’t even order pizza. For the next 3 days, at least, I have to subsist on whatever is in my cupboard and fridge.
I have very little food, but I have a ton of cereal and instant noodles. But I do have 6 bottles of very good champagnes and wines. It’s going to be an interesting few days. Wish me luck.