“The naked man” approach to dating only works 2 out of 3 times
I forgot if I posted…but
People that use the term “frakkin A” in a negative connotation.
Gods damn I want to strangle them
This, THIS is still on the air, but “Pushing Daisies” gets canceled. Go figure!
(Just kidding. That was pretty funny. I may have to start DVR’ing that show.)
You posted this before. Thing is, I’ve NEVER heard the phrase used in a POSITIVE connotation. Am I just hanging around with the wrong crowd?
Alan Shepard says it in The Right Stuff in its proper context, meaning simply “right on.”
Anyone who’s seen the movie “Shoot 'Em Up” will know exactly what I’m talking about. The annoying people that every time they take a sip of their drink feel compelled to make that irritating slurping noise, which is all too often followed up by the “aaahhhhhh”. It really damages my calm.
I to lament the loss of “Pushing Daisies” but from the beginning i knew it was doomed. things that different and interesting are doomed in the current TV system. on the plus side i just got “Daises” on blue ray with my new TV its just friggin incredible. and i hear that there might be a TV movie there making later on.
It’s used the right way in Office Space as well
The weather. It’s pissing me off. I thought I had successfully ditched sleet and snow when I left east coast for good. Seems it has found me again.
How I Met Your Mother ain’t bad. I’m more appalled that Two-and-a-Half Men, According to Jim, Gary Unmarried, The New Adventures of Old Christine, CSI:Miami…I could go on…but they’re all still going, and Pushing Daisies is not. I finally watched my first episode a couple weeks ago, and I thought, “Where have I been? This show is great!” And a few days later I find out it’s canceled. C’mon, TV execs. If you find yourself lost and wandering in a vast wasteland, you have only yourself to blame.
<palin>Baat choo can see Aleeaaska fraam your howse!</palin>
I am no genius when it comes to the English language (as RMHPH will attest) but it drives me nuts when I hear people miss use or overuse the words whenever and like.
I hate it when people say “Gods Damn”. BSG isn’t real life, there is only one God. He is like the Highlander, there can only be one.
Isn’t Frak or any variation thereof by definition a negative? Are you saying that it should be a positive, like “Frakkin A those are some good cheese fries”?
read that too quick and for a moment i thought you said that That god was the highlander. and the story of David vs. Goliath mixed with queen music ran through my head.
The Bible jumps to life when you read it with a Queen soundtrack. The tone of the gospels changes quite a bit when you think of Jesus’ signature tune being “Flash, aaaahhhh…he saved every one of us!”
(I’m feeling blasphemous. Probably going to hell too. A special hell…)
I get this great CD and put it in my computer. iTunes places it in my list but I can not put Armando’s name on the music. I use to be able to type the names in. So Armando has to put his name etc. on the internet or I have to figure out how the new tech lets me type the info in. ;)
I wouldn’t know how to add a CD to the CD Internet Database if my life depended on it, and since it’s not available commercially, no one else is going to put it in there for me, alas. But, if you shift-click on all the tracks and right click (assuming you’re using a PC) and click on “Get Info” you can add my name to the entire disc at once and save yourself several steps.
Or you could give each movement/piece your own, new, better title. Do-It-Yourself new music! Woo hoo!
Sigh. That was actually Tina Fey. Funny to think how 85%–gods know i hear it repeated enough, though I know you are attempting to mis-misquote her in a humorous way–of America attributes a quote From SNL to her. What she actually said was that there are places from Alaska, from which you can see Russia, i.e., they are close neighbors. True, and admittedly a piss poor answer; however, still true, but you just hit upon one of my pet peeves. Second one is how people stereotype how us “poor unedumicated” country bumpkins talk. Not cool.
You don’t happen to have a website with your music, or anything, do you Armando? It would be cool to hear it! From the sound of it, likely not!
It is strangely as simple as double clicking slowly. I must have clicked to fast for iTunes to know I double click. So it is the same old way I was use to from years ago but I am just too tired to click correctly. I use a Mac so most things only take one step.
My wife’s from a small town an hour north of Portland. She tells me that snow in December was unheard of when she was growing up. She’s all annoyed cause all this fun snow has waited till she’s grown and on the east coast.
We’ve got a snow storm on its way for tomorrow afternoon and, for extra fun, there will be even more Sunday, when we’re flying out to her parents.