The Official Pet Peeve Thread

My pet peeve is a little kooky. I’ll call it cultural mispronunciation.
Don’t get me wrong, I like accents. (I even find the suburban Boston one from around here at least funny.)
But when I hear people pronouncing sandwich like “sam-wich”, esspresso like “express-o”, Disney as “Dis-a-ney” and lobster like lop-ster, it just bugs me.
I don’t know why, but it’s instant nail-on chalkboard for me. Grrrrrrrrrrr.

You need to go live on the west coast. Least accents per mile in the US. The Northeast is like your kryptonite.

When people pronounce the word Nuclear as “Nucular” It irritates the shit out of me - and what really get’s me going is when a character on TV that is supposed to be really smart says it that way.

I like how they clap nervously at the end when you just know some of them are guilty as sin of what i like to call retail abuse.

You wanna know what my pet peeve is? People who start pet peeve folders on internet forums. THAT’S my pet peeve. :wink:
(I kid because I love.)

Another pet peeve of mine is people who say EXACTLY what I said only managed to get to a thread before I got to say it.

Thanks, Solai. :mad:

Adama nothing. Just think about what Helo could’ve done on that abandoned diner on Cylon Occupied Caprica had the toaster had a cancel button: the Toaster wouldn’t have shot him and stolen Sharon…the toaster!

Along the same lines as no. 3, I hate whenever I go out to lunch at a sandwich place like Subway (for some reason it always seems to happen at a Subway) and I get stuck behind someone picking up lunch for their entire office. I mean, really! If you people want a sub so damn badly, go get it yourself. Don’t send someone to pick up 15 subs and hold up the line for 45 minutes.

Um…I own some 700 CDs. Some I’ve had for going on two decades. The only ones I’ve ever scratched are ones I’ve loaned to careless friends who listened to them in the car, did not handle the discs by the edges, and left them in the glove compartment rather than put them back in their jewel box. I hate it when people do that (which is why I don’t lend out discs anymore).

Okay, I’m getting snarky. This may not have been the best thread idea for keeping me civil.

Still, I’ll raise you one, Hybrid Master: why the frak are there so few function buttons on DVD players and flat screen TV’s? What are you supposed to do if you lose the remote? Like, say, when a baby has been playing with it and hidden it and you’re stuck having to watch with the closed captioning on?

My Pet Peeve is how people handle comic books. I spent a good amount of money on these 20 dollar trades. If I really Like one I lend it to normally some one I can trust. Once they get the book, they harshly turns pages like they ripping a page out of a notebook. It’s like they turn into some sort of book hating monsters.Most of the time the pages aren’t damaged but still. Treat my property with a little more respect.

The absolute disregard for contractions!

could’ve, not could of
should’ve not should of
would’ve not would of

None of the above makes any sense what so ever.

You’re & your, learn the difference!

I just hate being in the elevator with people. Or people who are so busy talking to their friends or whoever that they don’t let people OUT of the elevator… or people who when walking are like, oh well you don’t need any space on the sidewalk…

…yeah, I have space issues. As in, I want more of it all to myself.

Is that like knuckle cracking? Because I also hate that, with a hate that is pure and true.

This is not meant to make you feel old (seriously) but my Dad is totally like that. Though I won’t say anything, you are to CDs what I am to books. No lending books from me.

I think I love you. :wink:

In terms of grammar, there are so many things that bother me. But given that, being at a university, I am generally around people who speak decently, the complete misuse of the subjunctive kills me. !!!

I really also dislike systematic typos - one here and there isn’t too bad, but every other word? Drives me crazy.

LOL this thread makes me seem much more neurotic about stuff than I really am :wink:

I really hate people who have the time to get the just right video for any topic. :rolleyes:

I hate when people do not capitalize the letter I when referring to themselves.

my pet peeve is when the girls in my class talk about the Jonas Brothers. I hate them! There fruity.

That one, THAT one tops my list.
Do you remember the time we had a President that knew the difference?
Oh how I miss the days of President Bartlet.

I sometimes feel like the apostrophe should be abolished because of the amount of errors it is involved in.

okay so this is a really geeky pet peeve, but I hate when someone at work e-mails an excel file and forgets to set it up to print properly, so that when you click print it comes out on 37 pages rather than one.

Hehe… there are few things fraught with more pitfalls than printing an excel workbook. Trying to print a website in explorer comes a close second.

I can’t stand people who talk in the movie theatre during the film. Hello! Why are we here? Can we watch the film without hearing your dinner plans, dress size, latest break-up, and my favorite “shape of his penis”? Is nothing sacred? I guess this carries over to cell phones in public and people who transmit their one-sided conversation to anyone in the area code. We’re all impressed, thanx for sharing.