Wow so I don’t know what you watched but hopefully you get to see the movie we are discussing some day.
Agreed and I was just trying to get someone to lighten up. And when I do a movie review website I will make sure to include thorough review but since this is a bsg website I will say Cool or not Cool. Ya know?
Well there’s Wanted coming out this week:
And I definitively wanna see WALL-E! (Might WALL-E be the last cylon on its desolated Erf?)
I see I’ve wasted the modicum of respect I’ve tried to give you earlier.
Your posting in this thread has been childish and immature, you repeatedly contradict yourself and you continually rant about topics and people you don’t know or understand. You aren’t offering anything constructive to the discussion.
Grow up.
It’s time to stop feeding the troll.
Haha ok you haven’t offered any modicum of respect so yet again your rudeness as spurred me to just ignore any post you ever have on this forum. Many a post ago I said I will agree to disagree. And you still attacked me. So whatever you can think you have one if you want. I know better. Have fun name calling. And have a bright smiley day
Hey guys can we all just calm down please? Everybody just agree to disagree and move on. This is getting a little out of hand.
I’ve come to a realization. They’re actually the same person. The Fifth will save the fleet. Thus the 5th is Hot Dog.
I for one will not be seeing that crap fest rape of an amazing comic that is Wanted.
I really don’t care about Wanted except that it has Angelina Jolie in it - and she’s really hot when she’s holding a weapon - IYKWIM
Seriously guys Miss Muffet is right. I’m going to quasi-moderate and please ask that we all calm down. We dont want to make Solai go all Skiffi on us and rule us like Lennin. Arguing about the movie is fine, but no personal insults, or I’ll see to it that punishments are enacted.
I saw the preview and though 'this is prob. gona suck, except it has Angelina Jolie in it.
That’s the absoulte only plus in the entire movie though. I mean come on. Curving bullets? What the fraaaaaak is that nonsense
Wanted, eh? Yeah, I roll my eyes and laugh whenever I hear that “curve the bullet” nonsense in the commercial. Curve the bullet? Riiiight… Someone failed physics class.
The current tv spots have me reluctantly giving it a chance with those glowing reviews and monumental promises they spew.
I don’t know if you saw the director, Timur (can’t say my name 5x fast) Bekmambetov’s previous self-written and directed outings, Daywatch and Nightwatch… you can see a lot of the insane visuals birthed in those really quite terrible movies. While ENORMOUSLY stylish, on a level unseen since the Wachoski Brothers, Nightwatch and Daywatch were painfully boring and borderline laughably ridiculous to sit thru their narratives. This guy is definitely visionary with his action pieces and tries hard to create something never seen before (or at least in a new way). His weakness is writing so hearing that it’s adapted from a Mark Millar graphic novel, I have some hope some good editors, a Hollywood A-list cast, and better source material will free this guy up to make something surprisingly creative, visually pleasing, and sufficiently well-acted and dare I say, cool.
Unlike the Wachoski’s, this guy definitely doesn’t take himself too seriously and adds that extra element of fun to his visual effects spectacles, so add that to a better writer’s script. There could be something worth checking out. Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman really have freedom to pick and choose their projects so I’m guessing they found something worthwhile in the endeavor. Morgan Freeman hasn’t really let me down yet hehe. Plus, ‘new guy’ James McAvoy could become the “next big thing” in Hollywood with this movie. We’ll see how he holds his own with some pretty big actors and some even bigger special effects.
I won’t write it off right away or ‘jizz’ uninformed praise all over it hehe. I wouldn’t pre-judge a movie like that, not without even seeing it. So I’ll give it a shot and see if it soars or falls flat on it’s face.
I know nothing about Wanted. The lecture they were giving him sounded like a bad Matrix speech.
Bad Matrix Speech? Isn’t that a bit redundant? hehe Morpheus was really full of himself in the speeches in the last 2 movies. He really took overblown to a new level. I alwasy think that Rave in the cave speech was totally Shatner-esque.
Considering they’ve ripped the guts out of the Millar story that really isn’t going to help him. I’ve seen Daywatch and Nightwatch and agree with your opinions on them
I’ll wait and see the movie before judging it, I haven’t read the graphic novel though.
Also, talking about physics, a bullet trajectory could be curved: by cross winds and/or gravity
Yeah but not by flicking your wrist around in a curve.
Also: Read the graphic novel. It’s amazing
Thanks for the advice DP, I’ll definitively try it.
Yeah… but do the bullets come out faster then you push the gun gangsta-style?