The Incredible Hulk

The way to do it is to simply NOT make a Hulk movie. Contrary to populous belief, not every comic book, or any book for that matter, makes for good movie making. Some stories really only work best in the theater of the mind. Sometimes a character screaming in fury on the page… is just a guy screaming loudly on the screen. And more to the point, a man is mentally coming to traumatic grips with his lifelong dire predicament on the page, plays like a silent guy sitting down in a chair. This is the hole most adaptions fall into. And as standard Hollywood logic goes, greenlighting a remake of a box office failure and a critica tragedy is simply a bad idea.

As for the CGI, the technology still isn’t there yet. Computer animated humans still move like they are made out of rubber. And Hulk still looks… well, rubbery. We are still a long ways off from true virtual human analogs. Animation is growing in leaps and bounds so we’ll get there eventually… but animators haven’t reached that level yet. The technology is cleary outpacing the animators ability… Motion capture is the quick fix to that lack, but that also doesn’t holding up translating to non-human elements.

But my complaint if you read what I wrote was hardly the CGI… it’s the Hulk story itself as a movie… You don’t get any character out of the Hulk. He doesn’t talk, and has one-note emotion (I believe it’s called SMASH) It isn’t graceful fighting or skilled fighting. It’s a big kid smashing stuff in a tantrum. Which is fine for comic book fare, but doesn’t work as movie, as the first movie proved. No one cares about Bruce Banner’s struggle to recover his lost humanity. Or the reckless scientific arrogance that created the monster from the man. They want to see stuff blow up. That’s just dumb movie making and a multi-million Saturday morning cartoon.

A story whose premise is about unleashing man’s most brutal inner id isn’t going work as a PG-13 movie to market toys (even the Star Wars prequels couldn’t do that right… ). Limiting violence for young viewers isn’t exactly the key ingredient of a winning Hulk recipe.

Nor has hulk made 100s of millions as you claim… it’s has only made 99 million. Which seems like a lot but when you consider it cost 150 million to make… it’s not looking good. Especially when you consider Iron Man has made 306 million in box office in almost 8 weeks now, and makes almost double per screen as the Hulk. Hulk is in less theaters and tracking indicates box office is falling at a much faster rate than Iron Man. Since it’s only been 11 days I assume you are hedging your bets and pulling numbers out your viper’s tailpipe. The movie will be lucky to make 200 million domestic, and with dropoff that bad, I see no evidence of a legion of repeat viewers you claim is making this movie. Hulk will probably make a meager profit, but it’s no definitely not the summer hit Iron Man is.

But do numbers mean your movie is good? or bad? It’s a poor justification and oversimplification. By that stretch, you would claim Britney Spears and the BackStreet boys are some of the best music of the past 10 years.

I know it’s hard to admit when you are a big fan of something, but sometimes Hollywood makes shitty movies from books.

And The Incredible Hulk is one of those shitty movies.

PS - One’s ability to finance and/or produce a motion picture has no bearing on the legitimacy of their movie criticism. That’s always the weakest of fanboy comebacks.

Not every movie’s gotta be citizen kane man take a chill pill

Not every post has to agree with the rest.
Not every movie’s gotta low-brow, shallow and trite either.

It’s a thread for Hulk reviews.

Here’s another the fans will probably like better:
hulk smash. fans happy.

In Edward Norton’s defense, being the actor/writer/director he fancies himself to be, rewrote a lot of the script and demanded a lot of scenes be added and changed to show more of his character drama, but Marvel re-editted the film at the last minute to “keep it more fast paced” which essentially means the producers fearing a repeat of the first Hulk film, cut out all the talky parts and made more stuff go zip and boom. The director was decidedly limp on the matter. Norton pulled his name off the writing credits and refused to do any press promoting the film.

Maybe the Norton Cut of the movie is actually a decent film? Unless the weak-willed director tries to put it on the DVDs, we’ll probably never know.

“it’s just a movie – about a green guy running around.”

I enjoyed the human interactions more than the Hulk. I think the Hulk in the shadows was the best. The Hulk smash was fun and you do need to let go a bit. The Hulk shows he is still part human or even more human because he protects life when the humans are trying to kill him. Bruce or David (that is still confusing to me) is trying to keep human in a world that rather use him as the Hulk.

It is a popcorn summer movie that will move us on to the Avengers. CGI or not it was fun. Most of the watchers have not even seen the other movie, the TV show or read the Hulk. I noticed the cast of the TV show in the movie when most around me probably did not. I really liked Bill Bixby and found it touching how they managed to include him.

I enjoyed the Get Smart movie as well but I am old enough to have grown up on the TV show. Just a bit of fun, his so called Russian name means nonsense.

So have fun. Is Batman the next movie to see or is there something before it that I should go to?

And not every movie is low brow, shallow, and trite. Hulk was and didn’t try to be something else. I mean come on you had Captain America (From Britain) running around fighting the hulk, and Hulk versus humvees and attack helicopters and spec ops troops, and to top it all off Hulk vs Abomination. It was cool. It wasn’t a good movie but it was frakkin cool and enjoyable. Great Flick. Bad movie.

Well i just thought it was fun, not perfect but fun :slight_smile:

I guess I will just have to stay away from this sections because I know that the same thing can be said about dc movies and it is blasphemy to say it so when I defend hulk people get upset. Anyways what other movie is MARVEL productions gonna make other than a comic book movie? Just wondering. Anyways I digress Hulk was amazing and thats all I need to know and a movie doesn’t get profit until dvd release anyways. I just hope you lighten up on movies in the future. Because you were extremely harsh to a movie that was amazing compared to movies that were easy to make and were still craptacular. Need I remind you of the crap that was catwoman?

Never let a different opinion run you off. I think most of us think the Hulk was a good movie and an enjoyable time.

here’s a list of Marvel’s coming attractions:

Ok come on, give it rest. I was happy letting my last post stand but you are acting like a drama queen about it. From the 1-man pity party you got going on about yourself, you seem to be the only one that is getting upset. Wow, someone didn’t your ‘oh so insightful’ review of “Awesome!” with a side order of “Amazing!” and put up a genuine criticism of the movie. And when you pull out false box office numbers out of your ass, don’t be surprised when someone corrects it.

First, no, NO ONE needs to “lighten up” on movies. That’s absurd. People should say what they really think about a movie. And movies should be judged on their own merits and their own faults. Like it or dislike it, rather than telling people to “lighten up” when they post a dissenting opinion to yours, try posting your own actual observations of the movie’s plot and characters. Expand internet contributions to more substantive analysis instead of meaningless platitudes or disregards of ‘me likey’ or ‘it sucks’. If you want to run off when someone starts challenging your notions of a movie, then you probably didn’t feel that strongly about what you wrote in the first place. I like movies, I like talking about them. I like reading and writing different views of them, especially when others write the same thing over and over about a movie and there’s no contrary opinions. I stand by everything I write in a movie review in a movie review thread. Sure it may come off harsh or rough, and I like it that way. The best stuff to read on the internet is incendiary and insightful and challenge misconceptions and preconceptions (and cylon conceptions). No one wants to read a flimsy post that ultimately says nothing.

Exactly what does CGI and DC vs. Marvel have to do with quality of this Hulk film? It reminds me of another favorite criticism I read of summer blockbusters. Movies that rely on distracting CGI effect/action ‘eye-candy’ set pieces strung together with a loose plot, shallow characters, and lackluster acting resemble of another genre of movies which essentially is also ‘eye-candy’ scenes with a weak plot, simple characters, and poor acting… it’s called pornography. Yeah, Hulk, Transformers, Cloverfield etc. is CGI porn, feel good stuff for those who get off on CGI. Yeah, I said it, CGI PORN! And pre-judging movies as good or bad because they are from Marvel or DC comics… without even seeing them yet??? There’s a word for that too. That one is called prejudice.

Let’s try and keep an open mind here.

When someone actually doesn’t like something, can actually discuss the movie, and back it up with more than just wild conjecture, they absolutely can and should. People read movie review threads to get a variety of opinions. If they just want some singular, narrow-minded fanboy opinions they just go to AICN. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sure people can calm down some, and some people should grow up a little. Go see any DC or Marvel movie you want to, and maybe post about it if you actually care what other people have to say. Interested and interesting people will do the same. It will be like a whole forum of opinions and ideas or something.

I like that… a forum.


Dude did somebody shit on your coat(Sorry barb) or something? Nobody walked into Hulk expecting No Country For Old Hulk(I walked away and came up with somethin witty so I had to edit the post) if it gets a review of awesome or great it’s because somebody walked in expecting a cgi action fest. They got it. Thus they enjoyed it.

Guys, if you can’t keep it respectful take it to the Skiffy forums.

Thanks for proving my point, sir.

Oh yeah b/c money proves how good it is…

I’m not to sold on the CGI. It was too cinematic which, in some parts, made it look bad. They should have been going for more realism as opposed to this dramatic crap.

My showing was so amusing, everybody was laughing at the movie. I mean seriously, does everything have to explode? Things dont explode like that, they just dont. Also it was so cliche’ and laughable. Every ‘emotional’ scene the whole theater was laughing. I dont know if it was because of the poor acting or the predictible scripts

See thats what I was expecting but the ‘dramatic’ scenes ruined it for me. Like when the Hulk takes the girl into the cave…so incredibly bad, I wanted to choke on my popcorn. Also why could the hulk suddenly control himself? 20 seconds ago he couldn’t, now he can?wtf?
Although the ending was pretty insane, I can’t wait for the Avengers

He could always control himself around Betty but regardless that scene becomes frakkin hilarios if you think about it. Came to me about an hour after seeing the movie. He threw a rock. At a cloud. First movie. Dad the cloud monster XFD

Still haven’t seen it, but there was a LOT cut from that movie. I suspect that your answer will be in the ‘director’s cut’ DVD.

OTOH, I understand that most of the stuff that was cut was ‘dramatic’ scenes, so you might hate it.

I wasn’t ever arguing against your point, I made that quite clear in the beginning. You just seemed rather angry and forceful over the fact that it was a bad movie.

That part reminded me of King Kong for some reason.

Ok dummy I am not gonna stop posting on a forum, and all I said in this last post was I will agree to disagree. And yes you should lighten up on movies. Here is an idea if you don’t like the idea of a hulk movie. DON’T GO SEE IT! DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

And by the by I in no way said anything about the cgi being the best part of the movie in fact the story is what made the movie so that theory can be flushed. I also never said I wasn’t a DC fan I just said that it is ok for everyone to dog on Marvel but, and thanks for proving my point by the way, if I say one word about DC everyone goes ape shit (sorry barb). I never said that you shouldn’t post your ideas I was just trying to say I disagree with what you were saying which is pretty much up until someone said something, This movie sucks, CGI makes it horrible, I didn’t even listen to the story and have no clue about anything that happened in the hulk comics so I am just gonna say CGI sucks. So maybe go read some of the comics and realize the plot was amazing and yes cgi isn’t up to par but that is all you can use for an 7 foot green monster.