The Incredible Hulk

I meant the pick the pill speech. Well whoever sees it first will have to tell us a bit about it. Since good trailers can be made from bad movies maybe a bad trailer means it is a good movie. :slight_smile:

Agreed. Saw Wanted this morning, it’s not bad really. Reminded me of The Matrix and Equilibrium, shooting style-wise. Lots of action…and blood.

If you can suspend disbelief about a man getting a gamma ray burst and turning into a big green guy when angry then you should be able to do the same about curving bullet trajectories.

yea, Wanted was pretty much a summer R-rated popcorn flick in the purest sense. lots of guns, a hot chick, fast cars, and Morgan Freeman. doesn’t get much more American than that.

Lots of blood not so good for me.

Case closed.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled Wanted thread hijack:
Gibson was nowhere near the prick he was in the comic…

  1. Drop it
  2. Foreign Box office already got them their money back so it isn’t a flop.
  3. The first movie is the only reason why it wasn’t bigger than Iron Man. If it wasn’t such crap then this one would have made 300 million easy.
  4. DROP IT (everyone else has including me)

Just to correct the new mistakes in this Hulk movie forum thread. (Couldn’t just leave it be, huh?)

The Incredible Hulk was more expensive and made less money than it’s predecessor, Hulk. TIH was already coming up on 100 mil in the hole before going to foreign markets. TIH is expected to only make another $130 million internationally by it’s end run. Foreign advertising isn’t free either, mind you. While not a cleverly worded ‘flop’, the new Hulk was much less successful and another poor investment. Compare this to the $563 million Iron Man has made worldwide box office… and counting, The Incredible Hulk shockingly still managed to come in under lowered expectations, and will likely not have a sequel.

At its time, the first Hulk movie had a much larger ‘buzz’, higher expectations and a much greater anticipation than this summer’s Hulk yet couldn’t make the aforementioned and fictional “easy 300 million”. Films flop and succeed on their own. For example, Batman Begins had no problem coming off the failure of Batman & Robin.

Please check your facts in the future. :slight_smile:

Well maybe you will develop taste in the next set of movies. At least I hope so or you won’t enjoy any movies for the rest of your life. Have a great weekend :slight_smile:

Just can’t admit to being wrong, huh? :rolleyes: It’s ok to be wrong. Really, it is. Since you are desperately pretending to know the likes & dislikes of people you obviously don’t know, you must be really feel the need to make up some more false claims. But, who can deny your well-documented deep, discerning and insightful movie tastes?

If you can’t handle other people’s criticisms, and have to resort to weak personal attacks when you lose an argument, perhaps you should re-evaluate your own presence and behavior in a public forum. Try and keep it movie-related in the movie threads please. :slight_smile:

Since you have no place left to go with your base-less faux-arguments, we’ll just accept it as your apology and call it your ‘[i]strategic withdrawal from the discussion[/i]’.

Thanks for playing. :stuck_out_tongue:

HaHaHaHaHa You seem to be the only one who can’t drop this I have said Agree to Disagree at least 3 or 4 times and you just can’t drop it. So you take your “Victory” and tell everybody I can care less. And again have a great weekend!

Hey watch it!! There was nothing self-important or egomaniacal about that speech. It was more Jimmy Stewart in ‘Mr. Smith Goes to Washington’ or Gregory Peck in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’.

Come to think of it, it’s more Rock Star!!
