Yeah, go for it and read it! And the sequels where she gets to go into the other dimensions are really excellent too!
Great suggestion, Em. I’m totally gonna check out the book. Definitely different from the typical fantasy fair. This could tide me over while I wait for Book 5 of George RR Martin to come out. Probably in 27 years.
I thought so!
Hush, you!
Oh, yes! The whole series is WONDERFUL! I think I may need to reread them here very soon.
Oh, you should! And since they’re supposed to be children’s books, they’re not difficult reads by any means, either. You should breeze through them pretty quickly. So, you might want to find a few more books to tide you over… :rolleyes:
So, this movie doesn’t correspond exactly to book 1? The sequel to this movie will start near the end of book 1, I guess. That’s kinda weird, but there’s only so much you can fit into one movie.
So the movie was made from the book minus the last chapter or two, except that they reversed the Svalbard and Bolvangar parts (in the book, the Bolvanger scenes came before the scene with the bear fight).
It’s been a while since I read them, so I can’t remember where one ends and the next begins.
Cool. I’m definitely gonna have to read the book now… this movie left a few important questions unanswered, and I assume they are in the last two chapters of the book.
Or in the next two books. But yeah, there’s a lot more explanation in the books. Like about the witches and Dust and the Magesterium. The barely even touched on those things.