The Cult Classic Arc

If you have been watching the Scott Pilgrim vs the World facebook page, you can see just how adimant the fan base is for this movie, and it’s growing! I remember seeing this happen with movies. Like The Big Lebowski, both movies were ones I saw early and put the word out, helping the cause. But I realize there are a ton of the fan-sponsored cult classics, some are my personal favorites. So I submit the Cult Classic Arc, with these being the most recent and the coolest in humble opinion…

  1. Scott Pilgrim: yeah I know its early but inevitable.
  2. The Big Lebowski: Duh! (Already done though. Doh!)
  3. Donnie Darko: Not my favorite but definately a fan fave.
  4. Fight Club: The “what the frak” selection.
  5. Rocky Horror Picture Show: any cult classic arc would be illegitimate without it.

Also Added:

  1. Repo Man: Punk sci-fi has never been so much fun and exciting (thanks Gryper)
  2. Dark City: Before there was a Matrix, there was Shell Beach.
  3. Barberella: If it were any campier, you could host a Boy Scout Jamboree on it. (Thanks Photonutz09)

What do you think?

  1. Speed Racer

(7)Freaks…Gobble gobble, gobble gobble

  1. Hot Fuzz
  1. The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai
  1. Forbidden Zone starring The Mystic Knights Of The Oingo Boingo
  1. Repo Man

Amen Gryper. Love that movie.

That’s the first one I think of when someone says Cult Classic. :smiley:

“Some weird fuckin’ shit, eh, Bud?”

Yeah, I’d throw that and either Blue Velvet or Erasorhead on my list of great cult classics.

…Especially since it seems Chuck and Sean got their wires crossed a few casts back when, while Sean was talking about the recent Repo Men, Chuck was talking about Repo Man.

I don’t know… David Lynch deserves his own arc. Too bad I wouldn’t be able to participate. All of his movies give me a headache trying to figure them out (and that’s not entirely a criticism).

Thank You.

You could do a Wright/Pegg/Frost arc in one episode. Just do “Shaun of the Dead”, “Hot Fuzz”, and the upcoming “Paul.”

Though at least the first two benefit from doing some homework. Seeing old zombie movies helps Shaun, while seeing early to mid-90s action movies, specifically Point Break and Bad Boys 2, helps Hot Fuzz.

That being said, “Paul” is not a Wright-directed movie (though ina delicious twist, he DID direct Scott Pilgrim). The last movie in the “Cornetto” trilogy is “The World’s End.”

Edgar Wright also directed the faux-triailer “Don’t” in the theatrical release of “Grindhouse.”

So yeah, you could do a whole Edgar Wright arc. Dude is only 36; isn’t that crazy?

Any other recommendations for this arc that I might not have mentioned? Besides Repo Man, I’d like to recommend Dark City as that movie also BOMBED at the box office but is now seen as a powerful piece of Sci-Fi Noir that paved the way for The Matrix.

Dark City is definitely worth a nod.

I just thought of two not mentioned, and considering Dino De Laurentiis just died, should be included;

David Lynch’s Dune

I can get behind Barbarella, but Lynch deserves his own Arc as his movies should be seen in spectrum and Dune would be a good introduction to Lynch.

Actually I consider Dune to be his weakest work. A better introduction would be The Elephant Man, produced by Mel Brooks with Lynch as Director. Actually better for the Cult arc than Dune and also produced by Dino would be Blue Velvet.

Some other directors in the same “disturbing auteurs” vein as David Lynch who’s films might also fit a cult classic arc:

David Cronenberg: Scanners, Videodrome, Naked Lunch
Peter Greenaway: A Zed & Two Noughts, The Draughtsman’s Contract, The Cook the Thief His Wife & Her Lover
Darren Aronofsky: Pi, Requiem for a Dream, The Fountain
The Brothers Quay: Street of Crocodiles, Rehearsals for Extinct Anatomies, Institute Benjamenta
Jean-Pierre Jeunet: Delicatessen, The City of Lost Children, Alien: Resurrection (though he’s moved away from “disturbing” imagery recently)
John Waters: Pink Flamingos, Polyester, Hairspray

But honestly, though they are some of MY favorites, I can only imagine Lynch and Co. as being too “out there” for Chuck, Audra or Sean. (Heck, if Yo Gabba Gabba is too weird for them…)

Also, depending on the day, I might throw Amelie, Run Lola Run, The Triplets of Belville, The Dark Crystal and/or Stardust on the cult classics list too.

Totally agree.