The coolest guy in a galaxy far far away?

So just who is the coolest person in the star wars universe, I’ve only included the four options because I don’t think people will want to vote for any others but if you want someone else on there just say.

Let it be decided once and for all.

Note: this is COOL, not badass or deadliest or who you’d most want to be but just plain ol’ cool.


What is interesting to me is that my gut dictated to me, “Boba Fett”. I voted. Done. Yet, when I thought about it…what the hell did Boba do? He wasn’t in the first movie…he had a nod in the second movie…and by a nod I am not speaking metaphorically…he literally had a “nod” … and in the third movie, well, he got eaten by a sand “Little Shop of Horrors” creature.

So why the hell is this guy so cool? I pose this question to you. His outfit? His demeanor? His one line? Discuss!

For me its a three way Race to awesomeness

Han Solo
Boba Fett

So I’ll vote for other and call him

Han-bacca-fett or Chew-solo-fett

[QUOTE=Solai;5893So why the hell is this guy so cool? I pose this question to you. His outfit? His demeanor? His one line? Discuss![/QUOTE]

I think its because he had a real affect on our band of rebels, and most importantly it was the fact he said so little, so he was this bad ass, that was a mystery, and that was what makes him so cool.

I think I remember in a commentary Lucas said that the whole him dieing the way he did in ROTJ was a mistake because he didn’t realize how popular the character was.

Just think of his actions in empire He tracks the millennium Falcon to the cloud city allowing the empire a perfect chance to either kill or convert Luke. (Now Vader failed but that was hardly Fett’s fault.) So not only does He get paid for His service to the empire but also gets the bounty on Han. And you just got to respect that. When you think about it he’s the only to come out ahead in Empire strikes back.

Let’s think about how Mr. Boba Fett was introduced to his future fans and see if it sheds any light onto this debate.

  1. He was introduced as a secret (and notoriously dangerous) toy that you could only get by sending in proofs of purchase from the packaging of other Star Wars toys.

  2. He was also introduced in a cool animated sequence (on a very uncool Star Wars Christmas special).

To recap, Boba was debuted as a “special treat” before we ever saw him in a Star Wars film. That’s the kind of buzz that drives fans crazy, and the kind of marketing that keeps the brand still vital today.

EXACT-ly. For those of us old enough to see the original in real time, Fett was the face of the next installment. He garnered enough wuffie to last decades based on that alone.

And lest not forget that it’s the quiet ones, good or bad, that are usually the coolest.
(Probably has to do with the fact that actions speak louder than words.)

Good n’cool:
The Man with No Name (Eastwood)
Indy during the opening set piece of Raiders
The original Aeon Flux (Good?)
Any military unit using only hand signals to storm a building.
Juan Valdez

Bad n’cool:
The Terminator
The skinny assassin in the white suit in The Untouchables (as soon as he talks, he loses his “cool”)
Odd Job
Bruce the Shark

…but because rules are always made to be broken, there may be no silent beings less cool than battling Power Rangers.

I voted Boba Fett since he’s my favorite.

Han had a fighting chance, except for the fact that he shot first, then he didn’t, then he shot at the same time as Greedo. Sheesh.

I voted Bobba. He is the epitemy of a bamf (bad-ass-mother-fraker). He has kickin’ armour. He has a kickin’ ride. He’s a friggin’ BOUNTY HUNTER.

Also, if you have read any of the extened universe books he is [spoiler]leader of a group of fighters against the Yuzhan Vong, saves Han and Lea’s asses, and again an all around bamf.[/spoiler]

Sorry y’all… but Billy D. Williams is the defintion of “cool” (as referenced on the Family Guy)… If the question had asked for tough guy, or bad-ass I’d say something different, but based on the phrasing of the question, there is only one answer… And don’t forget that he owned the Falcon before Han. Chicks did a hot ride.

— Dismal afraid to flip the pillow to the cool side for fear of coming face-to-face with Lando

But isn’t being a bad ass part of being cool, or at least has the potential to be. Just look at Mace Windu (played by the great Samuel L. Jackson), is he not cool only because he has the bad assiness of Samuel L. Jackson.

I went with Dismal’s definition – cool as suave – and voted for Lando.

From that list, Lando would most likely be the life of a party. Like, a good, nice, upscale party. Han and Boba, don’t get me wrong, would throw a mean kegger. They’d probably shoot dirty glances at each other from opposite sides of the room, have a fight, and end up drinking together. But Lando Calrissian, he’d work the room and leave with the hottest girl there. Like, he’d steal six and Lucy Lawless right out from under Baltar’s Cylon-mongering arms.

Han is def’nitely badass and cool, in a jovial way.

Boba Fett is probably the most cool-as-in-badass.

And Lonely Terminator’s analysis is a great one… I just thought Fett was gnarly from the first second I saw the prototype model advertised on the back of the other action figure pack. Or something like that.

Question from there: When I did finally get the action figure in the mail – remember the “six to eight weeks for delivery” interminable waiting period of yesteryear? – I was a little disappointed to get the more textured, angular final version of the action figure. Did they actual make any of the rounded ones that appeared in the initial offer? I’m not a collector, but I want one on general principle. Does anybody know what I’m talking about?

That kind of reinforces what I’m saying… Samuel L. Jackson exudes “cool” in all his parts, because he’s just “cool”. You know either he or Billy D. Williams are gonna enter a room and the coolness factor will just jump up 100%. Being a badass in addition to being cool is even cooler; being a badass without the basic coolness makes you a “hot-head”. I mean who’s gonna fit at a party? Han? Nah… he’ll be in the back room loosing at some rigged gambling table… Darth? Nah… he’ll be levitating and choking the host because they ran out of lubricant for his voicebox… Bobba? Nah… he’ll be wearing a mask to hide his eyes and he’ll checking out the room for bounties… Now Lando… He’ll have a hot chick on each arm and be recreating the Billy D. Williams Malt Liquer comercials from the 70’s. That’s cool.

— Dismal the overexplainer

lando. no question
p.s. i am the recent poster in all threads of genral disscussion

*Edited to say: It’s a three-way tie between Lando, Han, and Boba Fett!

I voted Lando…no oozes cool like Billy D. with or without an action figure. :slight_smile:

Lando Calrissian. Hands down.

Just thinking on keys for a moment…

Might the the public persona of actor Billy D. Williams be cooler than the Lando character he played on film in Star Wars?
I honestly don’t know if I can separate them…
But if I could, then I’m thinking thay Billy just might get more play than Lando.


I agree that it’s got more to do with the actor then the character, but the actor was chosen to play the part because he represented what they wanted the character to be… Lando was designed to be cool… while Han was designed to be the loose cannon who goes off to drive the story… I can’t see him being the smooth charmer that Lando is.

— Dismal who’s reality show is coming to an end this weekend

There are some differences between Billy and Lando… Lando runs the city, so he actually has power… on the one hand that makes him more responsible and busy to spend all his time flirting, but on the otherhand power is an aphrodesiac (sp?)…

— Dismal the last fat man standing