The coolest guy in a galaxy far far away?

Han Solo. Hands down. As a kid, I never wanted to be Lando Calrissian, Boba Fett (HA!) or any other character except, perhaps, Darth Vader (bad guys have the coolest toys). Han was suave, sarcastic and doesn’t take everything as seriously as everyone else (including the director) around him, making sure the proceedings don’t get too bogged down in the whole mythos part.

Someone once argued to me that the main failure in the prequels was the lack of a Han Solo character to bring things down a peg in terms of self-importance. I’ve really come to agree with him, even while continuing to enjoy those films.

And Han had the ultimate toy, the Falcon, which went .5 past lightspeed. So not only is he his own boss, he’s got the fastest car on the strip. Can you see him in high school, pulling up to a bunch of hotties ? “Hey, who wants to make the Kessel run with me before 4th period? And we’ll stop at McDonalds on the way.” Throw in a fake ID and the guy would’ve been a God. No wonder Chewie hung around.

“When I entertain guests, I only serve… Well hello what have we here??”

I’m glad you clarified this, because I voted for Han as coolest, but it would definitely be Vader for most badass.

Han’s the man.

Although I do expect for Boba to rank higher once the live action show airs since Rick McCallum (producer of PT and SE-OT) said he’ll be a main character in it.

Since I consider the ability to force-choke someone on another ship as “cool”, Darth Vader won the cool kid competition in my eyes.

C’mon, He pilots the “Faulcan” that he won in a bet, “fair and square”, not to mention he has a wookie. i want a wookie! He is also the only one I know of that makes it with a princess while fending off a giant gangster slug.

I found this interesting (old) quote by George Lucas the other day talking about Han:
“He is one of the best. He’s outwitted the Empire on numerous occasions, and he has made some very fast deals. One of his problems is that he gambles quite heavily and that’s where he loses most of his money. He’s tough and sharp, but never manages to scrape together enough to get any power…He’s slightly self-destructive and he sort of enjoys being on the brink of disaster…You might meet him and he may be worth ten billion dollars and the next time you meet him he’s in debt up to his ears.” lol That pretty much sums it up.

Speaking of which, we agree that it’s “Fawlcon” and not “Falcun,” but is it “Han” or “Hawn”? Most of the pronounce it “Hawn,” but Lando says “There’s still time to save Han!” So which is it? It’s tough to go against Billy Dee…

I had to vote for Han. Hes just got the “it” factor. Hes all about practicality. (yes, he did shoot first, and only. original version FTW) He’s got the Fonzereli touch (ship wont start, smack it, and AYYYYYYY!). He doesn’t need hokey religeons to get his job done.

I WOULD have voted for Vader, but the friggen prequils blew it for me. “oh Padme, why do i have to be such a whiney B*@&#?”

I think it’s Hon- Billy was being choked by - you guesses it , A Wookie- so it came out Haaann cough cough. . . I still want a wookie!

Han Solo all the way. He has that Bad Boy quality, like Doc Holiday. Lando doesn’t quite project that, though he’s just as easy on the eyes.

Took my son (Then age 4) to the 20th. anniversary showing and he became a fan. For months after he saw ESB, every time I said “I Love you” he said, “I know.”

If a four year old can figure it out…

Son number two just read this. Not to be out-shined by his older brother, he wants me to tell everyone that HE could hum the theme to Star Wars at eighteen months. This is true.

And the little monster’s vote goes to the Fett.

DawnAZ, that’s one of the coolest posts I’ve read this week. It’s teh awesome!

Dawn, your second son is AWESOME! The Fett should get the vote, how can you beat a merc? How?

You know, the Bible says to train a child up in the way he should go. So we did the preschool Star Wars immersion. Unfortunately they still learn to think for themselves.

Anyway, I’m sure deep in his heart my son knows Han is better than Fett, but the lure of the jet pack is too great.

hehehehehehehehehe - we just watched Episode IV last night!!!

That’s a really cute cat! :slight_smile:

I have to say that I never wanted to marry Lando, Fett, Vader, Chewie or even Luke. I wanted Han. Unfortunately for me I haven’t left my bad boy streak behind me but when it comes to cool, it is hard to beat Harrison Ford. I mean, he is Han AND Indy for Fraks sake! :smiley: