Yeah, I see where you are coming from there.
Ant man did save Iron Man after he knocked out the Hulk and lost power to his suit, and once again when his armor was locked up by a virus ( a virus that was in Tony’s lungs, and played havoc with any other armor wearing hero (and villain), and he was stuck out in the desert. Geek question: Who was the that invented the virus?
I liked him as Yellow jacket, felt very bad when he had his breakdown, of course didn’t like him when he abused Janet. Liked him a lot when he joined up with the West Coast Avengers, and had more respect for him when he didn’t laugh in Tony’s face with his perm and 'stache look…
Though I am a bit insulted that you didn’t include Iron Man with Thor and the Hulk, That would be the original team for me…
Ant man was supposed to be in the line up of the Avengers movie, they just didn’t get his movie finished in time (or at all!!) It seems that they have a good formula to push the individual hero’s movies first, then “assemble” them.
So I guess I’ll give him a chance, like I said, I love the way the portray him in the new cartoon.