Yeah. Taylor is Chuck Norris.
I like that I can watch it with my daughters. There aren’t many shows out there that we can watch as a family that isn’t just for children. They enjoy Zoe and Maddy and they think Mark (Maddy’s love interest) is cute. They want more plots focused on the Terra Nova community and feel the Sixers plot is lame.
I was explaining to them that most of the people in Terra Nova are the elite. One of them said, “Like Eureka?” I was so proud. Anyway, that’s when they said they wanted to know more about the special talents of the people that were chosen for Terra Nova. I agreed. I explained that the Sixers represent the conflict and mystery required for the show.
My hope is that some other force (the environment, the future Earth folks, etc) becomes the antagonist and the Sixers and Terra Nova have to work together to survive.
-There is no theory of evolution. There are only creatures that Taylor allowed to live.