Friday, April 10th, at 8 PM ET/PT.
Did they say this is the season finale…which is probably the series finale as well?
Man i hope this show comes back These last couple episodes were amazing.
I wish i could fix myself that easily.
John Henry is a nerd…
I hope to see John Henry take a giant step towards being Sky Net
Nice the cops office is in a cell
I hope she shows her true self this show as well.
It time to take Cameron for a tune up
Hello, all. So have I missed anything important?
I missed the first 20 minutes of the show and my DVR did not do its thing. AHHHH and this is there better software.
Nope…ive been solo most of the show. Its been a pretty cool episode so far.
Can you tell me it on next add break? DVR sucks
I love the two different skynets now. S. Manson some what good john henry and then the bad Skynet from T2. so sad if the show leaves the air.
Sure. Ill dow what i can
HAStA Luego!!! awesome
Thanks Thanks and you know thanks.
I will have to watch the show after work. I’m sucking.
The show starts off with Sarah in jail being interrogated by a cop. He tells her that he wants her to bring in John (he will either dead or alive) she said he died in the bank vault (back in season 1) but he does not believe her.
Next they cut to John Henry playing a D&D like game. The red head lady ( i alwasy forget her name) comes in and asks the technichan guy if its possible to move John and the computer but he says by doing so it will probably destroy what makes John Henry possible to exist.
Then it goes to John and he is questioning Cameron about his mothers cancer and if Cameron is the cause
Dang great add. The city bombed and looking like a teerminator. Cool