Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles 2x06 The Tower Is Tall, But the Fall Is Short

I love the photo shoot scene. Turn your head quarter inch, she turns EXACTLY quarter inch. Turn your head half an inch, she turns EXACTLY half an inch. Smile warmer, she has no idea what to do.

Yeah, that was a strange choice. She could have been the guy at the next urinal, a divider wall, even a lighting panel, but a urinal?

And, um, did she put “him” away after she killed the guy?

Do terminators weigh more than humans? Do all models do?

I hope she did. I’m sure she doesn’t want him found, with his zippers undone, and with a hole in his head.

“It went off while I was cleaning it”

What teenaged boy hasn’t used that one…? :stuck_out_tongue:

I still do!

Shirley Manson is just sooo creepy. I feel bad for the kid. Stealing babies is just not cool.

They’re made of metal. I’d have to assume they would weigh hundreds of pounds, even a petite female model…

What would the neighbors think? :eek:

Is this the first contact between Shirley Manson and the Connors? I think it is! This is not gonna turn out well.

Kendra Shaw~!!!

I get the sense that her mission is more Skynet-birthing than Connor-killing.

Thank you! I knew she looked familiar…

Yeah, but still… she sees Connor, she’s not just gonna chill out.

My god, she looks soooo smoking hot!!!

Wait, did she just say “Connor’s brother”? What?

OTOH, if Skynet never gets built, killing Connor is pointless…

She sure can run, too…

As an aside, I find it very gratifying that Brian Austen Greene is still working. Out of all the 90210 crowd, he’s definitely one of the ones I expected to fade into obscurity.

Wait, did she just say “Connor’s brother”? What?

I missed that one…

Really, I don’t bother try to follow the Terminator timeline anymore… it’s really temporally screwed up.

Does Shirley Manson have kids IRL? 'cuz she’s probably the creepiest mom ever.

Seriously. Are there time machines on every corner???