Holy craaaaaaaaaaaap - that’s one awesome tattoo!
How much would that cost? Thousands?
I’ve been thinking of getting this one for a couple years:
It’s the coat of arms of George Washington, someone whom I respect hugely. The technical challenge I face is the background; for this to look anything other than shitty, it really needs the white ink. I’ve read volumes on the stuff, and there are some real technical limitations. There’s white tattoo inks, but some people get weird reactions (like raised skin, things that look kind of like scarification, quick fading white, etc).
Anyone here have any strong opinions on how to avoid getting crummy white ink in a tattoo?
I’ve wanted one for years but could never quite figure out what to get… I recently got back into Scouting due to my son and realized that the Boy Scout moto “Be Prepared” has been something that has always stuck with me - I did earn my Eagle. So I’ve been thinking of getting it in latin on my arm: “Semper Paratus” but haven’t figured out what font/script to use… Any thoughts?
Not really “geeky” but I have an anatomically correct human heart ,bleeding black, under a raincloud . I am a cheery cheery guy. It is on my left shoulderblade area. For those thinking of getting a tattoo, bone hurts a little more but lasts way longer. Doctors say I should be able to use my shoulder in just a few years.
Seeing this thread pop up felt like a good time to post mine =)
I have gotten three in the past year. The one on my right arm is crossed sabers from when I was in the army superimposed over my Wood Bage(Boy scouts leader course)beads. The scrolls are my unit number(the top one) and course number(the bottom one). The third one is a band on my right arm from a ring that my wife gave to me and herself 15 years ago.
I got four tattoos and I plan on getting more. Of course I got the obligatory Harley-Davidson tattoo on my right shoulder. It’s the shield with a banner above it that says “Great American Freedom Machine.” Below that I have a flaming skull from Bleach, I’m thinking of getting a band to add to it. On my left shoulder I have the Hylian royal crest and below that I have the psycho weasel from Who Framed Roger Rabbit. The next one will be the dead man’s hand with a pair of dice that rolled snake eyes and a banner that says “out of luck.” I’m going to get that on my chest, it will probably hurt like hell but it will be worth it. Then I think I’ll get a pair of Russian stars on my kneecaps. Damn things are addictive haha.
For me it is a wish kind of thing. Really the money is the only thing keeping me from doing it. There are a couple I am wanting. One being a drawing I did, then edited it in Photoshop.
Would be on my back
The other two ideas would be one of my family crest.
On my neck
and the Renegade and Paragon icons from Mass Effect on my shoulders. Though I have that on my car already.
They are VERY addictive. I have an idea for a compass rose tattoo, just haven’t had time to get it done. Vacation is coming up so I will probably get it done then.
I’ve got one that I had done in Germany some years ago and have been starting to seriously consider my next one. I think I want it on my left ribs somewhere, I’m going to try to draw ideas a few times first to make sure I get the placement correct. It’ll be Who, time, and steampunk influenced and something reminiscent of the GWC swirl somehow… I have the ideas in my head, I just have to get them into a digital format soon