Quite of few of my friends that are fans have attempted to get me interested by explaining what it’[s about, but they always end up telling me that I just need to watch it to get it.
Uhoh, Shannon drama.
oh she has a bruise? :eek:
It will???
Except, of course, when it seems to be about someone, but it turns out to be about someone else. It’s never that easy with this show.
Speaking of which, I have an article I need to post. I keep forgetting.
It will be interesting to compare how my reactions differ from yours, since I am marathoning through these seasons and you and others have had to wait week by week to get answers.
Locke just entered a whole new level of nut-job.
Pretty much. It’s way too dense and layered to explain.
Another one-syllable word is screamed in a similar way. Repeatedly. :rolleyes:
Actually they’re not so far from what I went through b/c I marathoned right before season five started.
OMGs Sun and Kate
Something I’ve often found with this show is that it takes some time to process after the fact. I’m curious how you’ll take it in without those breaks.
Soon, you’ll stop trying to keep track of those levels.
LOLs Jin and Hurley
Just pee on it!
Yeah – and each new season adds a new layer of complexity.
Ooooh! And I know what you’re talking about now!
What the Frak is that in the jungle!!!
Did Locke tie up Shannon too?
You should have seen me after “Through the looking glass”. I totally was buying the scenes as flashbacks and didn’t see the twist coming AT ALL!
Omg omg omg omg
We’ll tell you when we find out ourselves.
The thing that’s black and makes the “tikka tikka” sound?
What?! You still don’t know in Season 6?
I thot iI had figured it out at first and then talked myself out of it halfway through, only to find out I had been right after all. Now that’s a twist.